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Green Building News

New Environmental Scorecards for Wood Products

Environmental product declarations cover four categories of North American lumber products

Environmental Product Declarations produced by North American lumber mills and wood product manufacturers are third-party verified by UL Environment,承销商Laborator的业务单元ies.
Image credit: UL Environment

Environmental impact summaries for four types of North American lumber products are now available, the American Wood Council and the Canadian Wood Council said.

The “environmental product declarations,” or EPDs, list such things as the global warming potential, ozone depletion potential and fossil-fuel consumption for various categories of products. Thenew declarationscover softwood lumber, plywood, oriented strand board (OSB), and glue-laminated lumber.

“Business purchasing decisions will likely require the kind of environmental information provided by the EPDs in the future to account for factors such as carbon footprint,” the American Wood Council said.

These declarations are “cradle-to-gate” assessments, weighing the environmental impact from the harvest of raw materials to the point where products are ready to leave the manufacturer.


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