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BS* +啤酒

BS* +啤酒表演:使高性能负担得起

主持人Michael Maines,Emily Mottram和Travis Brungardt与建筑行业周围的伟大思想小组一起讨论了一个问题:我们如何突破建筑(和改建)更好的房屋的(真实和感知的)成本?

We’re all still getting used to using Zoom for meeting and webinars and group discussions, so it took us a few minutes to get the show rolling this week (we edited that nonsense out of the video), but we ended up having an excellent discussion about costs and building high-performance homes with a panel of experts includingAlan Gibson,,,,兰迪·威廉姆斯,,,,克莱尔·贝兹(Claire Betze),,,,本·博吉(Ben Bogie),,,,克里斯汀·威廉姆森, 和丹·海因斯(Dan Hines)。享受。

Next show, April 16, 2020:一个面板将讨论如何设计和建造无混凝土板的房屋。观看GBA和FHB新闻通讯和社交媒体,或者下周在此处查看有关如何现场调整的更多信息。

-You can reach Brian Pontolilo at[email protected]


  1. 不同的人||#1


    1. 专家成员
      马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#2

      夏天,我常规框架和绝缘房屋的朝南墙壁弹出。我怀疑这是您所经历的现象 - 材料在扩展和收缩,并在绑定时弹出。随着时间的流逝,它并没有减少,不幸的是,它也可能不会在您的家中。

    2. 专家成员

      Differentpath, that is a common problem with timber-framed houses, and any house framed with wood will have some popping as materials change dimension with moisture content. It may have something to do with the monolithic nature of stress skin panels--wood, drywall and foam all expand and contract at different rates, depending on moisture content and temperature. If it does not compromise your air control layer, it is probably not a problem. If it does compromise your air control layer, you may end up with the sheathing rot that can happen on SIPs-clad buildings.

  2. 删除||#3

    “ [删除]”





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