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The Scramble for EPA “Lead-Safe” Certification

With the agency’s Renovation, Repair and Painting rule set to take effect in April, a shortage of certification trainers raises concerns. Will certifications ramp up in time for Home Star?

The Environmental Protection Agency announced itsLead Paint: Renovation, Repair and Painting rule– designed to reduce human exposure to lead-paint dust and chips during renovation activities – on April 22, 2008, and its enforcement date was set for exactly two years later.

两年引入预计enoug长h to implement a large-scale training and lead-safe certification program for remodelers and installers of any sort who might be disturbing paint in homes built before 1978, when the ban on lead paint began. The EPA estimated that as many as 200,000 people could be certified in that 24 months. Problem is, so far only about 50,000 certifications have been awarded, although another 50,000 are expected to be on record by April 22,一个机构官员told USA Today’s Green House. The main reason for the lag, say industry groups such as the美国建筑制造商协会nahb remoders.,目的是大约135个培训提供商已经迄今为止批准了EPA批准 - 不足以满足改造或其前瞻性客户的需求。

A plea for time and trainers

So now the industry groups are asking the EPA to extend the enforcement deadline and retain, for at least a while longer, an opt-out provision that allows noncompliance with the agency’s Lead Safe Work Practices regulation in homes whose occupants do not include pregnant women or children aged 6 or younger. The regulation would otherwise apply to work that disturbs more than 6 sq. ft. of a home’s interior.


“The eight government officials from EPA, the Office of Management and Budget and the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs we met with today were receptive to industry feedback and agreed that the time frame is extremely short in order to take action and ensure that the guidelines are feasible,” Walker said in the release.

The Home Star factor

但是沃克还指出,除了认证问题外,其他部队在工作中可以与激励和担心重塑者相结合 - 包括窗口经销商和安装人员的Aama的选区 - 如果业务在联邦激励计划下改善Home Star。即使EPA适当地攀升其合规截止日期和认证利率,Walker指出,许多经销商和安装人员也可能最终支付大量更高的保险费,以解决与工作相关的潜在诉讼,因为它很多很可能会专注于非常能量 -1978年之前建造的低效住宅。

经过some estimates, those higher operating costs could raise the price of a window installation by $60 to $100 per window, Walker added.

Meanwhile, in the ramp-up to whatever enforcement deadline the EPA declares, contractors have been asked to follow common-sense procedures when doing remodeling of any sort: contain the work area, minimize dust, clean up thoroughly.


  1. 专家成员
    Armando Cobo||#1

    We all know many examples of

    Remember the Clean Water Act, the Stormwater Regulation, the Clean Air Act, Radon, CO2, Green Building, yada, yada, yada… there are thousands of builders convinced Green Building is a fad and it’ll go away soon, eventhough they get to see programs develop, regulations and standards “becoming” code and even ICC developing the IGCC.


  2. Anonymous||#2

    the ecconomy is so bad right




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