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Open walls are a chance for improvements but there are considerations to weigh before ripping off the drywall

撕下干墙移动一些内部分区是温哥华房主打算改变她1970年代牧场的一种可能性。但是,在内墙和天花板上对石棉的积极测试使她可能制定的任何计划变得复杂。图片来源:泰勒·格雷斯(Tyler Grace)。

Astrieanna has an opportunity many homeowners would jump at—the chance to completely remake the interior of a 50-year-old house.

Astrieanna lives a few hours east of Vancouver, British Columbia, in a 1970s ranch over a full basement. A friend is lobbying for the complete removal of the drywall on the main floor in advance of moving a couple of non-bearing walls to improve the floor plan.

Should that be in the cards, Astrieanna already is thinking about adding insulation to both interior and exterior walls. There’s currently no insulation in interior walls, making for a noisy house.

“在墙壁都打开时,我还应该尝试同时做什么?”她写道in this recent Q&A post。“这是我的第一套房子,这将是我的第一次大型翻新,所以我担心我不知道在墙壁开放时会方便的选择。”



All-new plumbing and wiring is what Ryan Lewis would do, along with installing Intello, asmart vapor retarder

“I agree,” says Jamie B. “Plumbing and electrical improvements can have a big impact on quality of life, especially if your plumbing is older. And then you can increase capacity at that point if you want, as in increasing main diameter, adding a water line for the fridge (or future fridge that will have a water connection), washing machine (or future washing machine), his and her sinks, his and her shower heads. Add a hot water recirculation loop if you want.”

In addition to…

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  1. Antonio Oliver||#1

    Asbestos Question:


  2. 鲍勃·欧文||#2

    In NH, that depends on the Town. One of my jobs involved the oldest house in that Town; new owner wanted it gone. We quoted the demo & getting the permits; when we came back on Monday, they'd rented equiptment, demo'd and semi-buried everything (boards and glass sticking up everywhere). Town said "oh, well". There is a pile of used-to-be-a-house in my Town now; my guess is no one ever checked. Yes, they should, but they won't if they can avoid it.

  3. Dan Kolbert||#3


    Presumably it's not a huge place - running cat 5 or coax seems like a waste too. Connect the cable box and hit everything else with Wifi.

    Gutting for the sake of gutting is crazy. Spend your money on the usuals. Insulation, air sealing, more efficient equipment, PV. Nothing ""green" about throwing shit in a dumpster without a compelling reason.

  4. 艾伦c||#4

    "Cat5E cable, plus RG6 coaxial cable, which should be able to accommodate any need in the foreseeable future."

    CAT6A应该是新标准。它不多,从CAT6A到CAT7的跳跃仍然非常陡峭。运行同轴电缆很容易,但是我不确定将来会使用什么。所有新的套装顶部框都是无线的,大多数“有线电视”服务都有可以在Android TV上运行的应用程序。

  5. 肖恩·科特(Sean Cotter)||#5


    I think one run of Cat6a next to duplex power outlet at prospective TV locations is fine.

    Otherwise, the wiring should run to some central location (basement, home office, pantry corner).



  6. 美味的||#6

    我建议反对CAT6A。它比CAT6昂贵,并且很难使用 - 更硬,更重,特殊的连接器,并且难以正确终止。如果您没有合格的技术人员使用它,则最终可能会出现不通过规格的不良终止。额外的带宽实际上是仅当您需要以10克速度运行(> 50m)的10克速度时,这听起来像是这个房屋中的问题。

    FWIW, I know a pre-IPO systems engineer at one of the biggest tech companies in the world, building a palatial guest house in one of the more expensive neighborhoods in Silicon Valley. He has 10Gbit commercial grade service and calling him "picky" about his networking would be an understatement. He is wiring the home with Cat6 because he thinks 6A is a PITA and not worth the trouble.

  7. 艾伦c||#7


    I'm using Cat6a because because I'm wiring my own wireless access points and PoE devices. Most people who use the telco or cable co provided routers or modems should be fine with Cat6, even though it's only certified to 1 Gbps vs 10 for Cat6a. Admittedly, there are no household applications that use 1 Gbps (expect file transfer), but then again Bill Gates was rumored to say once that 640KB was adequate computer memory for the future.

  8. 加里||#8






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