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Changes to building codes could lower the risk of water contamination

Wildfires often contaminate drinking water supplieswith a variety of toxic chemicals. Changes to building codes in areas prone to wildfires could help reduce health risks while protecting water supplies. Photo courtesy California National Guard.

到2020年wildfire season,,,,fires are burning large swaths of the western U.S. As in previous years, these disasters have entered populated areas, damaging drinking-water networks. Water systems have失去压力,可能会吸入污染物,并警告几个公用事业可能的andconfirmed chemical contamination

我们是环境的工程师谁帮助受灾难影响的社区,包括支持对2017年塔布布斯火灾和2018年加利福尼亚营地大火的反应。正如我们在最近发表的study of burned areas柯、社区需要升级建筑规范ep wildfires from causing widespread contamination of drinking-water systems. They also need to act more aggressively to protect residents from possible toxic exposure immediately after fires.


在2017年两个之后浴缸开火inCalifornia’s Sonoma and Napa countiesand the 2018Camp FireinButte County, California,饮用水测试显示出多种急性毒性和致癌污染物。房屋内的水不安全,甚至无法治疗。

Water pipes buried underground and inside of buildings were extensively contaminated. Both fires destroyed fire hydrants, water pipes, and meter boxes. Leaks and ruptured hydrants were common.

After the fires passed, testing ultimately revealed widespread hazardous drinking-water contamination in areas affected by both fires. Evidence suggests that the toxic chemicals originated from a combination ofburning vegetation, structures, and plastic materials

Chemicals in the air may have also been sucked into hydrants as water pipes lost pressure. Some water-system plastics decomposed and leached chemicals directly into water. Toxic chemicals then spread throughout pipe networks and into buildings.

Limited water testing by state and local agencies showed thatbenzeneandnaphthalene出现在可能造成立即身体伤害的水平上。这些化学物质以及二氯甲烷,,,,styrene,,,,toluene,,,,andvinyl chloride,超过长期暴露的限制

All of these substances arevolatile organic compounds—chemicals that readily evaporate into the air at room temperature. Many of them cause cancer. All can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea after a brief high-concentration exposure.


Melted pipes and water meters

Pipes, water meters, and meter covers after wildfires destroyed them.Illustration courtesyCaitlin Proctor, Amisha Shah, David Yu, and Andrew Whelton/Purdue University, CC BY-ND.

Protecting the public

In our view, agencies should not underestimate health hazards posed by fire-damaged drinking-water systems. After the CZU Lightning Complex Fire burned parts of San Mateo and Santa Cruz counties, California officials and a water utilityissuedand重新发行一个顾问允许孩子沐浴在潜能lly contaminated drinking water. Five days later, when limited test results became available, both organizations recanted and said没有人应该洗澡在水里。

To avoid this kind of error, we recommend issuing “Do Not Use” orders in the wake of major fires to protect the public before water testing results are available. We believe it is acceptable to use water for fire fighting and toilet flushing, but not for purposes that involve ingestion, skin exposure, or inhalation, such as bathing or cooking.

在任何情况下都不应被告知smell the water为了确定其安全性,正如官员在营地大火后几个月的建议。许多有害化学物质没有气味,因此只有测试才能确定安全性。


Before agencies lift or modify advisories, we believe they should be required to carry out thorough chemical screens of water systems. Too often, officials charged with protecting public healthfail to take this step,,,,exposing people to needless risk。More typically, they act like California’s San Lorenzo Valley Water District, which lifted a post-wildfire “Do Not Drink/Do Not Boil” order in parts of its territory on September 7 with a notice to ratepayers that“If test results reveal anything harmful, you will be advised promptly。”

California National Guard members load truckloads of water onto pallets at the Napa County Airport for delivery to areas affected by Northern California wildfires, October 16, 2017.Photo courtesyStaff Sgt Eddie Siguenza/Army National Guard,,,,CC BY.

Agencies also need to test buildings for water contamination. Home drinking-water quality candiffer from room to room,,,,so reliable testing should sample both cold and hot water at many locations within each building.

While infrastructure is being repaired, survivors need a safe water supply. Water-treatment devices sold for home use, such as refrigerator and faucet water filters, are not approved for extremely contaminated water, although sales representatives and government officials may错误地思考the devices can be used for that purpose. While survivors wait for safe water to return, government agencies should ensure that reliable emergency water supplies are available.

Update building codes for future fires

Our research underscores that community building codes are inadequate to prevent wildfire-caused pollution of drinking water and homes.

Adopting codes that require builders to install fire-resistant meter boxes and place them farther from vegetation would help prevent infrastructure from burning so readily in wildfires. Concrete meter boxes and water meters with minimal plastic components would be less likely to ignite. Some plastics may be practically impossible to make safe again, since all types are susceptible to fire and heat.

Installing one-way valves, calledbackflow prevention devices,,,,at each water meter can prevent contamination rushing out of the damaged building from flowing into the larger buried-pipe network. Water main-shutoff valves and water sampling taps should exist at every water-meter box. Sample taps can help responders determine water safety quickly.

正如过去几年所表明的那样,许多社区需要为野火做好准备。营地大火两年后,加利福尼亚的天堂镇是still clearing and repairing its water system,,,,at an estimated cost of高达1.5亿美元。我们相信现在是其他城镇升级的时间了。

-Andrew J. Whelton is an associate professor of civil, environmental, and ecological engineering at Purdue University. Caitlin R. Proctor is a Lilian Gilbreth postdoctoral fellow at Purdue University. This postoriginally appeared at The Conversation


  1. 约翰·克拉克(John Clark)||#1

    Perhaps insurance companies will discourage people from building in areas prone to wildfires.

    1. Peter L||#5


      That would mean nobody could build in Arizona, Nevada, Montana, California, Wyoming, etc., basically the entire western United States, in any low to high desert, prairie to mountain range. That is not feasible.


      1. 约翰·克拉克(John Clark)||#7

        Not necessarily, if anything it would result in higher density. After all neither Bozeman, Denver, Portland, Reno, Las Vegas, San Francisco, LA, or Phoenix AZ are susceptible to burning down because of wildfires.

        1. Peter L||#10


          That is not true. Those areas are also susceptible. See article:



          1. 约翰·克拉克(John Clark)||#11

            风险很低。在任何情况下具有更高密度(which is what all environmentalist really want for everyone else rather than themselves) it's easier to build a buffer and build up (vertically). Plus it's much easier to defend a town from wildfire vs having to defend 10-20 residences strewn along 5 miles of a dirt road.

            CV19 is easier to monitor and control in cities and due to the density it's easier for individuals to receive what they need to survive rather than having to jump in a car and drive 5 miles into town.

            Yes some people may be leaving NYC but generally they're extremely wealthy, and are moving into nearby suburbs where density is still high. At least that's what I've been told by family and a local realtor in Stamford/Greenwich CT.

            Civil unrest in cities is overblown because in almost all cases it's highly localized to one small part of a city. Think of a couple of city blocks.

            In any case insurance is the most equitable way to handle the problem of wildfires because the individual homeowners rather than the taxpayer carry a lot of the risk. Well, that is until the homeowners get the govt to make taxpayers carry more of the risk. Some people do think they have a god given right to live in the woods and if it becomes too expensive then the taxpayers should subsidize it.

  2. Jon R||#2

    Even after the water is declared "safe", I'd use a reverse osmosis filter.

  3. 迪克·罗素||#3


    1. 法案c||#6

      agreed. The flame retardant chemicals leach into the ground and contaminate water.

      1. 约翰·克拉克(John Clark)||#9


    2. 约翰·克拉克(John Clark)||#8


  4. 粒状||#4





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