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9'或10'天花板混合潮湿的气候 - 4A区?

粘土惠特纳克|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

Trying to decide on the best ceiling height for the first floor… 9′ or 10′. I realize 10′ ceiling heights are more expensive from a construction standpoint (more lumber, more labor to cut the lumber since no 10′ studs, more drywall, more insulation, more siding, etc.), but what about the HVAC loads? It would obviously cost more to heat, since heat rises, but how much more? Considerably more or just marginally? I assume it would be cooler in the summer for the same reason? All the older houses around here (before the invention of AC) had 10’+ ceilings as a way to help keep cool. However, they also had radiant heat, which is less of a problem for higher ceilings than forced air.

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    然而,如果您希望降低加热和冷却负载,从10英尺切换到9英尺。天花板不是您的第一选择。还有更重要的因素 - 通过信封,窗口区域等空气泄漏率。如果您想要一个低能量的房屋 - 试图减少空气泄漏,限制窗户的区域,并确保您有充足的区域绝缘。

  2. 粘土惠特纳克||#2


    Right, ceiling height isn't first on my list, just wondering how big of a factor it is. I'm zeroing in on insulation levels, air leakage goals, etc, and starting to get down to the final little design tweaks. I guess 10' ceilings also have an additional energy cost in that you usually put bigger windows in a house with taller ceilings to account for the more room.

  3. Nate G.||#3

    高高的天花板pre-mechanical-cooling方法of keeping comfortable in the summer. People have been living in hot and humid climates for millennia without AC, and high ceilings are only one of many architecture tricks they came up with to keep comfortable. That said, I think it makes sense to zero in on your actual goal: do you want to rely 100% on mechanical equipment to keep cool, but minimize its use through superinsulation (the modern approach), or do you want to primarily rely on understanding and exploiting the laws of nature to keep cool (the ancient approach)? The reason why it is important to consider this is because these two approaches can be at odds, as Martin demonstrates: 10 foot ceilings increase the size of the building envelope and the volume of interior air, both raising cooling loads from the perspective of a Manual J calculation. If you are going to seal up the house and air condition the entire volume of interior air, 10 foot ceilings will raise your AC bills. But what this sterile calculation doesn't take into account, however, is comfort. 10-foot ceilings and ceiling fans may allow you to feel comfortable when the temperature of the air 5 feet off the ground is 80 degrees. So your house may actually gain more heat then a lower-ceilinged house, but you will feel more comfortable because that heat will be concentrated above your head. Air movement from opening the windows and running your ceiling fans will help with comfort in the high humidity and prevent mold growth, and you won't have to pay such critical attention to air sealing. The few times when it becomes overwhelming would call for a cheap window AC unit that you won't have to run for very long, and that you can easily replace yourself if it malfunctions.


  4. 粘土惠特纳克||#4

    谢谢Nate G.

    我想这是困境。我在一个拥有高伊斯兰天花板的老房子里举起了大型树荫,完全覆盖着院子的大阴道树木,以及全家粉丝作为我们唯一的夏天冷却手段。我们有一个/ c,但从未使用过它,因为我们能够通过树木和风扇的自然冷却来获得。


    However, I have a wife that has a very thin margin of comfort. I don't know if she is cold blooded or what, but she can go from being too hot to too cold within just a few degrees. When it is time to close up the windows and go mechanical, it needs to work.

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