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Adding Henry Blueskin inside

Scott Mangold| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

I have a existing log home and would like to frame a wall inside in some areas to beef up the R-value. I am thinking of adding a layer of Blueskin, then studs and batts. So from outside wall would be” 10″ log, Blueskin, batts (Roxul perhaps) and drywall or T-and-G boards. Seems the layer would stop air infiltration while being vapor permeable. Thoughts?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Henry makes a variety of products. Some of their products with the Blueskin name are vapor barriers; they arenotvapor-permeable. (For example, check out this page:

    Here is a link to some Henry products that are vapor-permeable:

    Your plan will probably work. Even better would be a wall assembly with some kind of foam on the exterior side of the new wall. If you could install spray foam against the logs, in a kind of flash-and-batt installation, you would limit moisture accumulation and stop the air leakage.

    If you choose to install tongue-and-groove boards as your interior finish material, with Roxul batts as your insulation, you definitely need an interior air barrier. Tongue-and-groove boards are not an air barrier. I suggest that you install drywall (following the Airtight Drywall Approach) before installing your tongue-and-groove boards.

  2. Scott Mangold||#2

    Thanks Martin!
    我想我会做气密石膏板应用roach. This will be for the areas that I want to preserve the exterior appearance of logs.
    On the areas were I would like to preserve the interior appearance, my plan is for (from the in going out) 10" log, 3 1/2 " batts and r7 zip/foam panels. This will be covered in bark siding. Should give me a tight R 32 wall. Pretty good for my Ct. climate.
    Any more comments? Thanks in advance.

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