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Air source heat pump water heater in a small mechanical room

Jonathan Nagar.|发布了Mechanicals

I am building a 2-unit addition to a duplex in Portland, OR, resulting in a 4-plex. The new units will be largely separate from the old, and will be built to PH-like standards (very tight air barrier, heavily insulated). With an eye toward economy, I am thinking for the 2 new residences to share a mechanical room. In this mechanical room would be water heater(s) for both new units, along with an HRV (likely Zehnder 550) serving both units.

- 我正在考虑使用ASHP热水器(GE Geospring)的效率的缘故,但明白〜50平方房的房间不会足够大量来支持ASHP。
- 我可能会有一个胸部冷冻箱,在这个机械室里藏起,产生一定量的热量(即
- 我可能会有一个穿孔空调型单元,冷却相邻的绝缘葡萄酒壁橱,并将这个单位的热空气排放到机械室(即 2000英热单位)

– I’m providing DHW for 2 units, with 5 bedrooms in total. Dishwashers and clothes washers to be fed cold water only, so DHW only providing for bathroom sinks and showers (4 baths total), and the 2 kitchen sinks. Could I economize by doing something like using one ASHP water heater in series with a HE resistance heater as a storage/backup? What would be the best way to go about this?
- 胸部冷冻机和葡萄酒冷却器产生的热量是否足以提供ASHP的需求?有没有良好的方法来计算出来?或者我应该考虑管道(下面)
– GE has a ducting kit for their ASHP. Will this be too messy (leaky) for use in this type of construction (assuming vented to exterior)? Should I dare consider doing something creative like porting the cold air into the wine closet and taking heat from the ambient room air? Should I just duct in from the adjacent kitchen and out toward the adjacent hallway, etc.? Could I (gasp!) duct supply and return air for the ASHP using the HRV located in the same room?



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  1. GBA Editor

    Every manufacturer of heat-pump water heaters provides information on the minimum volume of the room where the water heater can be installed. If you choose to ignore these instructions, the water heater manufacturer is under no obligation to honor the equipment warranty. So I advise you to build a mechanical room that is large enough for your planned equipment.

    I wouldn't depend on having heat available from your freezer and your air conditioner when needed, because there is no guarantee that those two appliances will be producing heat at the time you need it.


    I'm not a fan of attempts to use ductwork to solve the problem of an undersized mechanical room. These ductwork schemes are over-complicated, and it doesn't take much of a problem with your equipment to have a big headache. Keep things simple.

  2. Charlie Sullivan||#2


    Figuring out the heat output of the freezer is easy---just look at the rated electric consumption. But for the site-built wine closet, you'd need to do a cooling load calculation and look at the COP of the A/C under the appropriate conditions, which might be outside its specified operation range.

  3. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#3


    They're not cheap, but the performance is pretty good, as tested in the Pacific Northwest by the NEEA consortium: -ges-15qta-heat-pump-water-heater.pdf?sfvrsn=8

  4. Jonathan Nagar.||#4


    关于GE销售的管道配件怎么样?我的备份计划是向外部导管 - 基于轶事证据是不明智的吗?以及使用两个热水器(一个ASHP,一种阻力)的想法是什么 - 将它们串联化为明智?或者我会更好地做一只ASHP,一个按需电动备用备份?

    达娜,谢谢你提到桑德。我长时间 - 由于价格统治了他们 - 它只是最终过度的回报速度太慢,在前端的推荐太多了......


  5. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#5


  6. Nick Welch||#6

    There's another very simple solution, straight from the manual:

    Because this unit draws in air from the room to heat the water, the
    room must be at least 10’ x 10’ x 7’ (700 cubic feet) or larger. If the room is
    smaller, there must be a louvered door. Louvers should be 240 square inches
    (0.15m2) or greater. If two louvers are used, one should be near the top of
    the door.

  7. Charlie Sullivan||#7

    As I understand it, the ASHP water heater has the electric backup built in. So if it somehow makes the room to cold to work as an ASHP, it will switch over automatically.

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