All Links Blocked in Q & A?

Kevin Dickson, MSME| Posted inGeneral Questionson
I was trying to help answer a question, and the spam filter blocked my link, which ironically was a discussion here on GBA
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I'm not sure how the spam filter works, but I'll look into it.
I'm curious: I hope that other GBA readers will report their experiences with posting links. How often are links blocked by the spam filter?
Well this isn't the first time Taunton has mismanaged an online forum. Who remembers the FH Breaktime fiasco of 2009? is OK)
These two links are OK, but another link to a GBA guest blog was blocked, and a link to my own blog was blocked.
In order to solve this issue, Kevin, we need to know the text of the comment you tried to post (as best you can remember). Please contact me by e-mail with your best memory of what happened, and we'll do our best to fix the glitch: martin [at] greenbuildingadvisor [dot] com .
Sorry for the glitch -- and thanks for reporting it.