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russellkm.|发布了General Questions

我把泡沫绝缘放在我30岁的isps外面。我将从目前的Tyvek上取下并用液体WRB(Tremco 230 Exoair)取代它。对最佳应用程序实践的任何提示?

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  1. Expert Member
    armando cobo.||#1


    1. russellkm.||#2

      谢谢你提供的详情。There are not experienced applicators in my area that I can find, so I will have to rely on the manufacturer's advice. Thanks again. Russell

  2. John Clark||#3

    Mind the movement of the building.

    "...Back to movement. Joints and inside and outside corners open up and close up all the time. The gaps get bigger and the gaps get smaller. Let me repeat the point here…they don’t just open up…they go back and forth. The water control layer we cover them with…the liquid applied membranes that are spray applied, brush applied, trowel applied, or whatever, need to be elastic. Think rubber band. There is elongation and recovery. There is cycling. There is fatigue. There is aging.


    With a “difficult” joint and corner the material properties of the liquid applied membrane are a big deal. With an “easy” joint and corner the liquid applied membrane is stressed less. Not too many liquid applied membranes have the material properties to handle “difficult” joints. But with the field experience over the past two decades with liquid applied membranes we can turn “difficult” joints in to “easier” joints. The best combination of course is combining a high performance liquid applied membrane over a joint that has been made less stressful...."

  3. russellkm.||#4

    Thanks for the advice and link. My house is very straight forward and except for a bump out that serves as a mud room, and where the wall meets the roof overhang, it is a 32' 6" square. I presume that the stress points to which you are referring are the corners of the house and the windows and doors. I will read your suggested link and see what I can learn.

    2. Read the link. Good reading and a lot of good information. My house is a level two but I will not be using closed cell polyurethane as exterior insulation., so

    Question 1: the sealant needed at OSB joints and corners? Silicone, ?



  4. Expert Member

    I know they are used a fair bit, but I'm still not too comfortable with liquid applied WRBs.



    In this case I'm struggling to see how a fluid applied WRB improves your assembly. Air sealing is much easier with a quality tape.

  5. russellkm.||#6

    It has been suggested by Martin H. that the WRB on SIPS should be a bumpy housewrap in order to facilitate drying. Do you have any suggestions along these lines?

    1. Expert Member




      The bottom line, any properly installed WRB will work.

      The most likely reason you were not happy with your house wrap over the SIP is that there was no capillary break. It would have been pretty much the same no matter if the wrap was sheet good or self adhered. Without a capillary break, the small amount of moisture that will make it through the siding gets trapped between the siding and the OSB thus what you saw.

      Martin's suggestion of bumpy house wrap is the minimum to help with this. Even better, install rain screen strapping to add in a proper capillary break. Besides helping with keeping the sheathing dry, a capillary break will also significantly increase the life of any painted siding. Since it is a simple addition, it is well worth the small amount of extra work.

  6. GBA Editor
    Kiley Jacques||#7

    如果您还没有,请阅读:Liquid-Applied Water-Resistive Barriers.

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