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Are there any good store bought roof vent baffles?

Joe Norm| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I could make site built baffles but it s a TON of overhead work I’d rather avoid.

Are there any good baffles that provide more than 1 inch of vent gap? I’d like 3-4 inches and I have the space for it.


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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines||#1

    When spec'ing insulation baffles I usually choose one of the 1 1/2" Accuvent products. The 1" version is more common and often substituted, but I prefer the deeper space. They're made of styrene but not expanded with a blowing agent.

    Another type is made from corrugated plastic, with a 2" space:

    If you want a deeper space, making your own isn't that hard, and you can use a vapor-permeable material like 1/4" plywood.

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