Attachment of a stone fireplace surround — fasteners?

Is it a code requirement or recommended practice to install mechanical fasteners to fireplace surrounds, or is mortar alone satisfactory? I’m not talking about massive columns and mantles. Just thin granite slabs (not tile) without a mantle. More specifically:
我正在安装燃木壁炉环绕。这是一个非常简单的设计 - 2厘米的花岗岩板(不瓷砖,只有整件式平板),约14英寸宽(1个顶部板和2个侧板),没有地幔。我的计划是简单地将平板与中等床砂浆一起固定到哈迪,然后将其称为完成。但是,在Google的一般搜索中,我遇到了强烈建议机械紧固件的“最佳实践指南”,请参阅《石头联合会》(在英国)的附加链接。我不在英国,但物理科学没有边界……..其中一些显然是这样,但这是另一个话题,%20data%20Sheet%20January%20201015.pdf
I can’t find anything in the IRC code about this, but was told by one of the mortar manufacturers that it is a code requirement (they couldn’t cite where in code) to have fasteners on fireplace surrounds.
笔记that the Stone Federation data sheet cites fatalities and serious injuries from fireplace surrounds collapsing. So, on page 2 of that document they have a general solution.
At first, I thought I would just use their drawing for my installation. However, it appears to me that their solution is more suited for thicker slabs. If I use their solution for my 2cm slab, that doesn’t leave much stone for the brackets and dowels to hang on to after cutting the grooves and drilling the dowel holes.
笔记that my design is similar to the one in the UK drawing, but doesn’t have the bulky top and bottom pieces. I just have flat slabs with no mantle.
I would appreciate any comments on this.
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You wrote, "My plan was to simply attach the slabs to Hardi with medium bed mortar and call it done."
您还没有很好地描述您的底物。这是传统的砌体壁炉 - 例如,一个由砖制成的壁炉吗?还是这是一个金属制造的壁炉(所谓的零清除壁炉)?
It's a modular masonry fireplace (Isokern).
The framing will be sheathed with 1/2" Hardi 500. The Hardi will also lay flat on the smoke dome.
The manufacturer says that 1" drywall screws may be used to attach to the smoke dome. I've requested clarification from the manufacturer---can't find 1" drywall screws and if I could, I have concerns about their performance in an碱性环境。无论如何,我有点担心会拧入烟穹顶,但是如果我不这样做,我的哈迪的依恋仅限于木材框架。
好的,这有帮助。我猜您正在谈论的产品是HardieBacker 500水泥板。
Second, I would contact an experienced local mason to determine the best way to secure these vertical granite slabs. If you expect the mortar to be the only fastening, you had better be sure that you have chosen the right mastic or mortar for the job.
When I learned stone masonry back in the early 1970s (I have built a stone basement and two 40-foot stone chimneys), I was taught by the old-timers, "Mortar is not glue. Stone masonry depends on gravity, and mortar simply provides a bed in which to lay your stones."
我不认为垂直载荷是这一个问题s installation. Gravity works for me if everything is perfect. The floor supports the hearth extension; the hearth extension supports the granite vertical legs; the vertical legs support the top horizontal granite slab. Unfortunately, things don't stay perfectly lined up forever. So at some point there could be lateral loads that kick it out of alignment or maybe even break the mortar bond (due to settling or framing movement).
So, does anyone out there have experience with this? Should I do it? Any experience with how to attach with mechanical fasteners? Maybe this is more of a problem with much thicker or larger slabs?
Approximately 3/4"
2cm = .79"