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Can this product be used over an exterior brick wall?

JOHN HAWTHORNE| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

I am planning an expansion of my bedroom and there are two existing brick covered wallls and I will be adding two conventional SIPs walls and a SIPs complete the room with the exisitng walls. The walls to be covered are 16 feet and 22 feet. I haven’t measured the height yet.


  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Your question is unclear, so you need to provide more information.

    1. Is this a load-bearing multi-wythe brick wall, or a wood-framed building with brick veneer?

    2. What is your climate zone or location?

    3. Do you intend to build a SIP-walled addition to an existing brick home, or do you intend to install SIPs on the exterior side of existing brick walls?


    Briefly, it should be possible to install SIPs on the exterior side of brick walls, but there are many pitfalls, especially related to window flashing details. If you want to install insulation on the exterior side of a multi-wythe brick wall, the usual approach would be to use EIFS.

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