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Capillary breaks and code

William Costello| Posted inBuilding Code Questionson

This is an offshoot from my previous question about choosing a product to use for the capillary break between the footer and the poured concrete foundation wall …

In speaking with a rep from Tremco Sealants about using their Tremproof 250GC product for this purpose, he mentioned that we might want to check with our local building official to see if they have any problem with having a membrane in the cold joint between the footer and the wall.

Anybody ever heard of this being a problem?

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  1. Steve Knapp CZ 3A Georgia||#1

    You might want to speak with your builder or foundation contractor before approaching code enforcement. If you are not satisfied with the answer from one or both of these sources, you could then contact the code folks for clarification. Just a suggestion...

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