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MSVA|Posted in一般的问题on

我看到评论&尾气中小企业“猫尿的气味”lls after encapulation etc. This is not encapsulated, just barrier. I’ve read possible causes from decaying vegetation to the barrier itself. What I’ve noticed is that most the folks with problems are on the Mid-Atlantic to Southeast US and possibly in older homes. I do know that we have residue of chlordane (a banned pesticide) in our crawlspace (applied over 30 years ago!), which is the reason for now putting the vapor barrier and fans in…It was pretty common for termite treatment and I would bet the Mid-Atlantic to Southeast US received the most treatment for termites….


Could the chlordane residue be interacting with the plastic???

I know that tapwater treated with chlorine dioxide interacts with new carpet to cause ‘cat-pee’ odors….could something similar be happening here?



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  1. 专家成员


    我的猜测是你有一些被困的东西腐烂,我认为可能是农药残留物 - 我没有这种特定问题的经验。屏障的“背部”,靠在地/墙壁的一侧,将从地面捕获一些水分,这可能与任何残留物产生差异。聚乙烯屏障应阻止任何内部的东西。关于可以通过聚乙烯蒸汽屏障的唯一正常化学材料是某些类型的溶剂。



  2. MSVA||#2

    谢谢!一个“声誉良好”的本地HVAC公司 - 他们只安装在地板上。他们没有上墙。塑料确实闻到了。我们要求品牌(不幸的是经过事实 - 我们认为他们是这个......),他们向我们发送了一个网站的牛仔竞技建筑胶片,10密耳。如果这是一般的施工表格(网站说它用于爬行空间) - 这与仅用于蒸汽屏障的材料相同或更差,如菱形等?该网站表示聚乙烯的塑料,但在阅读网站时看起来它可以是回收塑料(?).....任何关于最佳类型的蒸汽屏障的想法?就像我说的那样,这是一个50岁的房子,所以我相信蒸汽屏障下的一般东西,从残留的白蚁治疗,小鼠大便等。我们住在农村树木繁茂的地区。爬行空间污垢相对较好和干燥。谢谢你。

  3. Steve Knapp CZ 3A格鲁吉亚||#3


    The liner needs to be completely sealed, which usually means taped or caulked wherever it meets a wall or pier. Did the HVAC company also seal off your vents and install spray foam or rigid foam on the foundation walls?

  4. MSVA||#4

    Hi, thank you. Nope, they didn't do any of that. I guess I should have researched here online before having it done. I'm afraid for them to 're-do' it, as I don't want to kick up the crawlspace dust again by pulling it out. I suppose more could be put on top and done properly by a crawlspace company. It's so hard to find a company that just does the job right the first time. We never worried much about the crawlspace before but our youngest son died from leukemia (AML) at age 14 in 2019 - so we started searching for possible causes. I grew up in the house next door to this one, and I know that both houses were treated for termites back in 70s/80s with chlordane. I didn't imagine it would still be there - which is why it's banned. It's in nanogram amounts but I still don't like the idea of it. Not sure if it did anything or not. Our ductwork is under the house as well so with leakage, etc. - it probably was being pulled into the house too. We and other people have lived in both houses so who knows. I just want to fix this without re-fixing it several times.

  5. 专家成员

    I like the materials from Americover, they have a lot of options for crawlspace liners.


    我认为这是一个简单的第一步是将墙壁线路排列,然后将衬垫封闭到处都是 - 胶带到墙线衬里,将墙壁顶部填充到墙顶的顶部。这应该将物品封存并使“屏障”成为实际屏障。没有密封工作,“屏障”更加减速器。

    Mouse poo doesn't usually smell unless it gets wet. Chances are whatever is smalling now that wasn't before is either moist now and was dry before, or was getting diluted by air leaks before and is getting concentrated now. Completing and sealing the liner so that it acts as a real barrier to stuff in the ground or walls will help if there is something in the ground causing these problems. If you have a really severe case, a radon mitigation like system to depressurize the area under the barrier may help.

    Try to localize the problem first. I'd do the poly on the walls and sealing work regardless though.





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