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Circulation pumps

Trevor Lambert|发布Mechanicals

Hoping there’s some people who know a lot about circulation pumps here. I’m about to buy one for my HRV pre-conditioning loop. I was planning on getting a Grundfos Alpha2, as that was what was suggested and supplied by the company I got my in-floor heating stuff from. They said it used 50-75% less energy. They’re also pretty pricey. I’ve done some reading on these things, and I’m wondering whether they will actually perform any different than any other pump in a simple on/off application like mine. It seems the big feature, Auto Adapt, depends on the system having some automatic method of changing load (e.g. thermostatic valves). Without that, I’m having a hard time picturing what this thing would be adapting to. Am I correct in thinking this thing is overkill for both my in-floor heating and the ground loop?

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  1. 伊桑·弗利(Ethan Foley)||#1

    ECM pumps are fantastic. At a recent project we used one for a fixed speed primary pump, it sat there sipping 8 watts while a conventional pump would have been gobbling 80+ watts. Unless your ground loop won't be running often, an ecm pump is a logical choice for an energy efficient house. As far as the radiant system goes, you definitely want an ecm pump if you have a zoned system. The logic in these babies is brilliant. Basically, it can see holes in the system and as these holes (zones) open, it increases the pump speed to fill them. So it's always operating at the lowest output possible for the load. Cuts WAY down on watt usage. With high Ontario hydro rates, payback will be short and the control aspect is fabulous for the designer of your radiant. The Auto Adapt feature is awesome, but the real gold is in the low power draw of the unit.

  2. Trevor Lambert||#2

    My floor system has one pump per zone, so there's never more or fewer "holes" open. But it's good to know that the ECM function was worth it. I have the option of buying the previous generation Alpha1 for $100 less, and the only difference is the Auto Adapt, so that's what I'll get for the ground loop. Thanks.

  3. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#3

    Taco's 007e- Fx series and other fixed speed ECM drive pumps are a lot cheaper than the auto-adapting/variable speed versions. If you can spec the pump, there's probably a fixed speed version that will fill the bill.

  4. Trevor Lambert||#4

    我不确定如何将其规格出去,因此可变速度泵可能是最好的。Taco 007系列似乎仅限于10'头部,我猜这是高度差异(?)。我的循环大约在地板以下7-8',需要在地板上方大约相同的数量,以免削减它。

  5. 伊桑·弗利(Ethan Foley)||#5


  6. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#6

    A single programmable/responsive variable speed ECM drive pump + zone valves is the most common configuration for multi-zoned systems.


    The ground loop is for a ground source heat pump, or something else?

  7. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#7

    特雷弗(Trevor)将地面循环描述为他的“ HRV预处理循环”,这听起来像我在本文中描述的系统类型:“使用乙二醇地面环调理通风空气。”

  8. Trevor Lambert||#8


    If I had to do the floor heating all over again, I'd use just one pump. Given that it's already complete, it's probably not worth re-doing it, even if it provides me with a free pump for my pre-conditioning loop. Seems like a fair amount of work, and not without its own added cost. A couple of zone valves looks to cost similar to another pump.

  9. 伊桑·弗利(Ethan Foley)||#9

    在电力方面,我绝对不是专家,但是考虑到运行区域阀需要24/7的24V变压器,并且当它们活跃的功率与Grundfos Alpha一样多的功率(大约8瓦),当然取决于阀门),无论如何,从切换到区域阀门可能没有任何/许多电源节省。

  10. 卡卢姆·王尔德(Calum Wilde)||#10



  11. 乔恩·R||#11

    A careful reading of page 3 below indicates that these zone valves don't use 100% power (22W) when on (they just have to keep some wax warm). No idea what the resulting average watts is.

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