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squarrier| Posted inMechanicalson


I am getting ready to replace a number of older Bell & Gossett Series 60 circulators in a commercial glycol hydronic system. I am considering Taco Viridian VR15 / VR30 pumps and Grundfos Magna3 pumps. We replaced one pump with a Viridian VR30 a while back and had issues with bearing failure due to iron filings in our glycol. We have since addressed that situation with magnetic separation and Fernox treatments and are getting ready to replace a number of circulators. I was just wondering if you esteemed folks had any sense of a quality comparison of the two pump series, the Grundfos pumps are a bit more money but that would probably be worth it if they are more reliable.



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  1. Richard McGrath||#1

    Use the Taco circs . Reliable , good warranty and as you pointed out , less expensive . Water quality as you stated would be your only issue

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