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贾斯汀·芬克|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

I’ve attached a quick sketch (not to scale) of what I’m up against, but the basic gist is that I am faced with an exterior porch that was long ago converted to additional conditioned space. It looks like the side walls are fine (framed on the slab), but when they bumped out for a bay window, they muddled it up. It appears that the brick cladding on this porch was placed in contact with the interior framing/sheathing. The sheathing is all but dust at this point, and the framing is rotting from the footing up. Interior finish is T&G wood paneling.

It would be pretty tough to incorporate an air/drainage space between the framing and the brick when working from the inside out, and the exterior is all garden shrubs and trees, not ideal for excavating for weep holes.



I didn’t build it this way, just trying to fix it. Any thoughts?

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  1. 河流||#1

    如果像似乎从你的插图,海湾window walls are below grade, then you need to bring that footing up to the level of the slab. Then you could install 1" of XPS against the inside face of the brick cladding and reframe the wall with 2x3 with no sheathing. The XPS will isolate the framing from the brick, limit thermal bridging and still allow some vapor permeance in both directions (unlike closed cell spray foam).

  2. ROY HARMON||#2

    How far below grade is the brick footer?

  3. 贾斯汀·芬克||#3


  4. 贾斯汀·芬克||#4

    罗伯特 - 但是,在这种情况下,这两个方向都需要蒸汽渗透吗?担心水会被困在砖中吗?我之所以问,是因为我通常试图建造旨在仅在一个方向上干燥的墙壁(例如,在未绝缘空间中改造成品的地下室...墙壁上的泡沫是绝缘的,但可以使内部干燥)。

  5. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#5

    This is a complicated situation, and I need to be sure I understand. You're saying that the exterior grade is equal with the porch floor. So how and why did the original builder install a framed wall that begins below grade? Are you sure that you are sketching this accurately?

    If your understanding and my understanding are both correct, then it's clear that there shouldn't be any below-grade wall framing. So you'll have to figure out a way to support the porch roof, remove the wall framing, and pour concrete from the lower footing to the top of the slab, just as Robert advised.


    One other potential problem: most brick veneer walls are stabilized by brick ties that tie the veneer to the wall framing. If your wall framing is rotten, your brick wall may not be stable and may have to be demolished.

  6. 贾斯汀·芬克||#6


  7. ROY HARMON||#7

    If I understand the situation, ther are only a couple of feet of brick below a bay type window. The framing under the window is toast. Do yo see any movement related to the window? If not , the brick veneer may be carrying a bit of the load . Is this a 1 story bay or higher? If 1 story- no big deal, couple of feet of wall under a window being supported by a couple of feet of brick. I would simply brace, or transfer the load of the window in to the slab and remove the bad knee wall. Depending on the depth to the footer, pour it solid as noted in Robert and Martin's posts or you could lay CMU if the footer is deeper than you expect. Once the framing is above grade the foam detailing won't be so important. I would recommend wall ties of some sort if the brick under the window is more than a couple of feet above grade. They may already be there when you take the bad wall out.

  8. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#8

    Here's a link to a relevant blog by Joe Lstiburek:旧砌体建筑物的绝缘改造

    These situations are complicated. I'm still worried about the fact that you have a brick veneer wall -- but that the brick ties aren't tied to anything anymore.

  9. ROY HARMON||#9




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