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Condensation Between Perforated EPS and Rockwool

Gmike901|Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson


A) 1.625″ Continuous SilvRboard graphite XS (perforated) on the block wall, glued and taped at the seams. (R 7.5)
B) 2×4 stud walls with R14 Rockwool.


As I was getting ready to install the smart vapour barrier, I removed a piece of the Rockwool and found that the EPS wall underneath the rockwool was absolutely DRIPPING with condensation. I removed a few more pieces and, long story short, all three exterior walls were soaked with condensation. Water was literally running down the walls ( except for the interior wall connected with the house).

Did I screw up by using the perforated EPS? I’ve done assemblies like this before, in basements, but I’ve always used XPS.




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  1. 专家成员



    如果这真的是冷凝,那么你的GPS的表面放在地下室中空气的露点下降。没有其他解释,这只是工作的物理学。您对该问题有两个解决方案:介绍第一冷凝表面的温度,或者降低地下室空气中的湿度水平。要第一次做到这一点,你需要摆脱摇滚动杆,或者放大较厚的GPS层。GPS的表面处的温度将通过R值比和绝缘堆叠两侧的温度确定。在您的情况下,假设50F和70F地下室空气温度的基础壁温度,R7.5 / R14混合将放置GPS的内表面(GPS和摇滚浴之间的界面)在恰好害羞的57F。如果是下面的地下室空气的露点,你将具有冷凝形成。

    To do the second, you need a dehumidifier. That will take energy to run, so it will be an ongoing operating expense compared to the one-time expense of a thicker layer of GPS.


    1. Gmike901||#2



      As for the bulk water concern, I'm fairly certain it's not seeping through the walls. It's not a basement, but a converted garage, so all the walls are above grade. Also, when I removed all of the rockwool and wiped down the GPS and let it dry out, there has been no more water/condensation (the rockwool is currently sitting in a pile in the middle of the room).

      So if I'm understanding this correctly, since I've replaced the windows in that room and lowered the relative humidity down to 40% (from 65%), I've also lowered the dew point. Before, it would have been ~13 degrees C and now it is closer to 6 degrees C.


  2. 专家成员

    Take a look at table 2B here:

    In your case, you had an assembly with a mix of rigid and fluffy but no vapor barrier. Based on the table, for condensation control in Zone 5, you would have needed much more rigid insulation (ratio of 1.3 instead of 0.2).

    在R14 BATT的情况下,即14 * 1.3 = R18.2。这是很多刚性绝缘。添加高湿度,这使得这变得更糟。

    Your wall will work fine once you get a vapor barrier up.


    1. Gmike901||#4

      Thank you for that link -- it looks like a great resource!

  3. Paul Kuenn||#5

    Good point! FYI - after a year in which I had added 6" of EPS to the exterior of a customer's 1920 house (real 2x4s and balloon framed which had cellulose blown into the walls in the 80s) I was asked to tear out a wall for some interior work. Once the plaster & lathe was removed I was able to look at our job from the inside. The cellulose and sheathing (1x8s) was bone dry. It had been below zero all week and the humidity in the house was about 60%. They love their big plants and making lots of pasta for the kids... Life is good when you do it right.



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