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Construction-detail Drawing Library

Ken Dupuis| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

Would love to see drawings pertaining to double-stud walls or links to other resources providing these details. Any plans to create a library section dedicated to this subject?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Yes. We're working on it now. We're starting with the details provided by architect Rachel Wagner; if you need the details now, check out her two recent articles inFine Homebuildingmagazine:

    Double-Stud Walls

    Windows and Doors in Double-Stud Walls

  2. Ken Dupuis||#2

    Thanks Martin,

    Yes, I've read her articles and they are very good. Will begin framing a double-stud house in Sept. (my first), so I'm trying to gather as much info as possible.


  3. Lucas Durand - 7A||#3

    Hi Ken,
    They're not for a traditional "double wall" but in case you're interested, there are some details posted at my blog:

    I'm working on adding some more soon.

  4. Ken Dupuis||#4

    Thanks Lucas,

    I took a quick look at your blog and will go back and read thoroughly when I have more time.

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