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Covered deck off of gable end of shed roof building

Joe Norm| Posted inGeneral Questionson

OK, confusing title.

My question is about what options I have for projecting a small roof off the gable side of a shed roof building, this roof will maintain the same pitch as the main roof but it will be dropped a couple feet from the the main roof overhang.

One way would be to shoot two beams perpendicular to the wall, one end supported at building and the other end landing on a post.

Has anyone ever done this in a different way?

I’d be curious your ideas

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  1. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#1


    If the roof was very small you could support it on brackets, but with minor variations what you describe is how the vast majority are framed. The complication you may run into building in the PNW is that while in most places such roofs rely on the sheathing and attachment to the main structure for shear resistance, in high-seismic areas something more is required. Either bracing on the posts, shear-walls, or engineered moment connections. That's something to explore before going too far.

    The more space you can leave between the two roofs the easier building and maintenance will be. At a minimum the gap should allow an air-nailer to be used on all surfaces.

  2. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo||#2

    Hi Joe.

    Also consider that the beams attached to the house will need a continuous load path to the foundation. If your gable wall, like many gable walls, is not load bearing, there may not be headers over windows, doors, etc. In other words, you can't just hang the beams from hangers fastened to the framing, necessarily. I'm sure you have a handle on this, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

    So, what's going to be happening under this roof? An open space, I assume, or you'd be building walls to support it.

  3. Joe Norm||#3

    Thanks for the replies. I figure I could insert the beam into the wall and then stack a few studs down to the sill plate to support the load. Yes, this will just be open space, built sort of "timbery" fashion. I probably will have to run it by an engineer if I want to build now, or plan for it and add it in after final.

    1. Expert Member
      Malcolm Taylor||#4


      Here is something similar from a house I designed:

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