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Dryer venting: through slab vs through roof?

Roger_S39| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Hi all,

Is it better to vent a dryer through the foundation slab or through the roof?

If a dryer is located on the first floor of a home, that is a slab on grade build, is it better to run schedule 40 under the surface of the slab and penetrate the exterior of the slab, OR, use the usual sheet metal duct and go up through the interior framing, through the attic and out through the roof?

It would be for a house that doesn’t really see snow like up north…. Only snow would probably be the odd speckle here and there maybe 1-2 times a year… Some years maybe non at all.

Thank you.

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  1. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#1


    Most people try and send it through nearly wall, or up to the attic and vented at a gable end. You usually take int0 account the ease of venting when designing the floor plan to accommodate a laundry room. A second best alternative is through the roof. I've never heard of or seen a dryer vent go through a slab, although maybe it's done elsewhere.

  2. Jeff Wasilko||#2

    Why not a heat pump dryer and no vent?

  3. Expert Member
    Michael Maines||#3

    Three problems with going through the roof: it's a hold that could leak, you may get some condensation when it's cold out, and you WILL get lint stuck to your roof shingles (and it is impossible to fully remove the lint). If you have a metal roof the lint probable won't stick.

    I have never seen a dryer vent through a slab but it should work fine. As Jeff suggests, I would consider a ventless dryer.

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