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丹·杜格(Dan Dugg)|Posted in一般的问题on



我们现在遇到的问题是,盖有盖的门廊打算是一个3个季节的房间,可以在冬季使用,并能够在冬季加热。因此,它是2×6 16oC,带有R24围兜和R10 GPS护套。R70在天花板上吹,R21 CC喷雾泡沫地板,然后在托梁之间进行R21板,然后R10 GPS板盖托梁,然后是soffet。地板在2英尺至10英尺处的2侧开放,因为地面倾斜到我们的后院。它在浮动侧的螺丝桩上,主侧的ICF粉底墙。


So here is the issue. We are using it more then expected in the winter. When we warm up the room frm minus 15C it takes 5 hrs with a fire. Then when it cools, water is condensing above the ceiling vapour barrier. We have water puddles above the ceiling vapour barrier. They turn to ice until was warm it up again. We want to change out the windows to triple pane casments so we can still open up the screen room in the warmer months. Then warm the room permanently to maybe 10 or 15C and warm it up a bit more when we use it.

Would anyone have a solution. I think the floor is insulated sufficient. Would anyone add more to the floor? Enclose the floor to keep wind out? Heat loss it dominated by the windows that need to be changed. Would anyone add a minisplit for heat and air conditioning?

Thanks so much


NOTE: The area in the pic that looks like batts in the ceiling is under our bedroom. Behind those r20 batts is 4 or 5inches of CC sprayfoam. That’s why there is no vapour barrier in the spot.

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  1. 乔纳森·布莱尼(Jonathan Blaney)||#1


  2. 丹·杜格(Dan Dugg)||#2



    水只会增加在我们一个温暖的房间d let it freeze again. I'm confident this is condensation on the poly as the room temp, and therefore poly and insulation move to above dew point (22C last night) when we warmed in up, then fall to way below freezing again.



  3. 专家成员

    How is the roof over the area vented?

    Since the vapor barrier is the warm side air barrier, is it continuous and well sealed around the perimeter? Is the vapor barrier connected to the SPF under the bedroom?


  4. 乔纳森·布莱尼(Jonathan Blaney)||#4


  5. 丹·杜格(Dan Dugg)||#5




    In my mind warmth is getting above the poly because heat goes right through the vapour barrier. The air up there is already laden with moisture so it's just the warmth causing a dew point?

    Johnathan, the water is all over the ceiling in small puddles above the poly. No rivers, but doesn't seem to be running anywhere. I did see the construction of the and I think flashing was very well done but it is possible their is a leak. We will look for one once we get up there.

    Darn, this seems like a big problem!

    Again thanks for the input. Will inspect for ventilation and leaks.

    1. 专家成员


      Looking at the picture, that is not a simple intersection with the room overhang into the porch roof, typically these intersections are hard to air seal properly. Hard to see, but the ridge cap doesn't look like a vented one.


      1. 丹·杜格(Dan Dugg)||#7


  6. 丹·杜格(Dan Dugg)||#8

    Thanks for the info. GC and I have looked and we believe it is the vapour barrier. As suggested above, it is complex to seal it given the bedroom above and steel beam down the center. There are many spots that warm air and vapour are able to get into the roof assembly.

    So now we need to fix it. My first thought was to build down the ceiling with 2x4 and spray foam the entire thing with 2" CCspf. Air and vapour seal the entire thing tight as a drum. It adds R14 approx to the ceiling too.

    I would appreciate any thoughts.



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