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Sal Lombardo|发布了能源效率和耐用性

Building a home in the Northeast, as I’m looking over the basement layout and options where to position the mechanicals – hot water heater – given the house design, from corner to corner on a diagonal, it is close to 150′. On one far end, the master bath and bedrooms on the second floor, on the opposite main floor, the kitchen, everyday living space and likely most used bathroom. So my concern is to get hot water to the faucet, from either of the two opposite ends, will require running the hot water for a period of time until all the cold water in the plumbing is flushed and it is filled with hot water which then will sit and cool, wasting energy, only to repeat the process with any demand of hot water. Have spoken to a few plumbers, use of instant hot for the area less utilized, circulating pumps, maximizing insulation of the tubing system, are the suggestions I have gotten. Was considering two mid sized water heaters in opposite locations rather than one centrally located main hot water heater. One said OK “whatever you say”, the other two didn’t seem to appreciate my concern for such minutiae. Is my concern unrealistic? Any constructive input/ideas are greatly appreciated.

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  1. D Dorsett||#1


    “…东北…”有一个非常广泛的地理al definition covering US climate zones 4A through 7A. Can you narrow that down a bit (say, with a ZIP code)?

  2. Sal Lombardo||#2

    Of course, zone 5A. No definitive choices yet, Looking at first floor radiant under tile with mud floor for thermal mass, second floor baseboard. Pricing outdoor wood boilers systems and and their feasibility. Considering any design and/or combination that makes sense. House is 5200sq ft.

  3. Charlie Sullivan||#3

    Obviously the ideal would be reconfiguring the whole floorplan to cluster the hot water uses closer together. Short of that, I'd lean towards putting the water heater closer to the kitchen and that bathroom, assuming that gets more frequent use through the day.

    Even if you special-order 1" thick pipe insulation, it won't keep the water warm more than a few hours, so for infrequent use you are throwing away the full pipe volume of hot water each time you stop using it. So for infrequent use locations, making sure the pipe is no bigger diameter than it needs to be saves more than making the insulation thicker.

    Continuous circulation only wastes energy, but on-demand circulation pumps can save a little energy vs. dumping lukewarm water down the drain, and they also save significant water if that matters in your location.


    1) A heat-pump water heater.
    2) A "powerpipe" drain water heat recovery system. This works best for showers, and so it should be located near the showers.

  4. Richard McGrath.||#4

    Where in 5A are you Sal ? Is this a job that was designed first by an architect without consultation with contractors ? Sounds like it .

  5. GBA Editor

    Don't install an outdoor wood boiler. They are polluting and inefficient.

    It's a shame that this large house was not designed to cluster the hot water uses near each other. If you are wedded to this design, the solution is to put your main water heater on the side of the house with most of the uses, and a tankless water heater (either gas-fired tankless or electric) on the other side of the house.

  6. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#6


    当你设计和安装the insulating buffer tank & controls you'd be in the cost range of a higher efficiency low emissions pellet boiler with smart controls that could live indoors (OkoFen, et al). Many of those have domestic hot water options, which would make the pellet boiler a reasonable approach as your main hot water heater.

    如果使用“需求费用”击中“需求费用”,则电动储罐是一种受损的潜在责任,以支付支持其峰值负荷所需的网格基础设施。从成本角度来看,一对热泵热水器,为最大的浴缸大小,每个都必须填充制造更多的财务意义(假设您不在天然气主体上),并且不需要增加100A /240V到每桶电气服务。当您考虑在中间冬季进入水温度下的安装成本时,电动罐是不值得的,即使您从未使用施加需求费用的速率结构,也是如此。热泵热水器(或两个)也会显着减少地下室除湿器的运行时间。地下室的机械除湿通常是夏季所必需的,因为深层土壤温度远低于您所在地区的平均露天点温度。

    If showering is more popular than tubbies at your house, a drainwater heat recovery heat exchanger (Charlie Sullivan's "powerpipe" recommendation) downstream of the main shower feeding both the cold feed of the hot water heater on that end and the cold water side of the shower dramatically improves the "apparent capacity" of the tank in showering mode, as well as the efficiency. It does nothing for tub-fills though, since the heat has to be extracted from the water flowing down the drain and applied to the water feeding the shower & tank. The biggest one (both diameter and length) that fits gives the highest heat recovery efficiency. If you buy wholesale from EFI (easy to set up an account over the phone), for about $600 you can get one big enough (a 4" x 48" or 3" x 60" or bigger) for better than 50% energy return, which can be enough to mean the difference between a 50 gallon heat pump water heater and an 80 gallon for supporting multiple back-to-back showers, sometimes paying for itself in reduced water heater cost even before counting the efficiency.

  7. Sal Lombardo||#7

    木头很丰富,因为我继续削减,分裂和季节。一楼的木材燃烧炉和地下室的颗粒炉(根据需要使用并消除木材运输到较低级别的混乱和努力)是计划的一部分。不幸的是,设计是典型的,在初始规划阶段的初始规划阶段挑战了许多神经元。在设计中没有承包商。我记得询问建筑师对ICF的想法,他用空白凝视着我。典型的郊区的脖子,但甚至如此慢慢改变。Framer令人困惑,为什么有人会花钱或努力应用外部刚性2.5“XPS绝缘。我觉得有义务使”outie“Windows失去恐惧”Inmies“(拥有墙壁厚度,虽然是墙壁厚度’t all that) would be too demanding on the guys flashing the windows. So local contractor support is close to nil.
    Yes, natural gas is available. It seems the answer is putting the main water heater on the side of the most use, bedrooms, and a gas-fired tankless on the opposite side, albeit it is the kitchen side. My gestalt is showering wins that fight.
    So outdoor wood boilers “bad”. In their defense, Dana, was looking at a Garn, firing it with “perfectly” seasoned wood every other day in the deep of winter and using its massive water reservoir as a thermal buffer. I will look into your suggestion of a higher efficiency low emissions pellet boiler with smart controls that could live indoors. Given wood is plentiful, had not entertained such an option, but remain skeptical as I have to buy pellets.
    Hopefully no need to dehumidify the basement. Planning to use 1.5” inch XPS and 15 mil Stego in the subslab space and exterior rigid XPS on top of the foundation walls. Using a brush-on bituminous based capillary break between footings and walls. Looking forward to celebrating the day I no longer hear a dehumidifier running 24/7 in the basement.

  8. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#8

    自缓冲的Garn不是新英格兰均无居民诉讼的典型室外木锅炉。与大多数其他人不同,它也可以在室内安装,这意味着待机和分销损失累积到条件空间而不是被浪费。它们设计为装载并燃烧到自延长,而不是粗糙的温度受限,如同许多户外木锅炉。如果您要将Route Garn Gets的情况大致好,而且与大多数木材燃烧器相比,它们具有相当不错的PM2.5号码。

    There's almost no case to be made for a gas-fired tankless compared to a condensing tank type HW heater that takes less maintenance (especially if you have any hard water issues.) A gas fired tankless may makes sense if space is at a premium, but something tells me that in a 5200' house there's enough room to take on both a Garn and a couple of tank type HW heaters. (Getting a Garn Jr. into the basement could be an issue though- i'ts not as if you can take it down the stairs. :-) )

    If you don't have any monster-tubs to fill any power-vented Energy Star gas fired tank is going to be fine, and if installed in combination with a drainwater heat recovery heat exchanger will nearly deliver the "endless shower" experience (unless it's some ridiculous luxury master-suite shower with multiple 2gpm side sprays or something) capable of 3-4 successive showers back-to-back. That endless shower thing is a bit of a problem with some folks (take my kid, for instance :-) ), so it may require installing a vacancy detector light switch in the bathroom to time out at 10 or 15 minutes (or whatever you find works for you) after the last motion was detected, as a hint as to when it's time to get out. (That worked for us. YMMV.)

  9. Sal Lombardo||#9

    Was considering lowering the Garn into the basement by crane before installing the main deck. The idea of firing the unit in my pajamas at the end of the day swirling a Scotch sounds great. But the reality of wood - transporting it, the mess, pests etc.- is daunting. Had considered "loading chutes" in the foundation wall to drop in a load, akin to the old coal delivery chutes, or a drive down ramp to haul quad trailer loads of wood in at a time, but don't think so. The mess is eternal. A Garn shack next to the garage is a cleaner alternative, despite some environmental losses. The costs to set the thing up in combination with the purchase cost are significant, have to do a cost analysis over years to estimate the time it pays itself off, may not be around by then, LOL!!

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