Noise from ERV in Closet
我目前在做一个自我构建高绩效house 23′ x 35′ interior in climate zone 6. It is essentially a modern raised ranch as the lower level is only 3′ below grade due to a high water table. The upper level has an open concept with 6/12 vaulted ceiling. The only enclosed area is a half bath and walk in closet/pantry area.
房子的北端,基本上是占地面积的1/3或12'x 23',所有房间都需要陈旧的空气;厨房,半浴室楼上,主浴室在下面。下面的主要卧室需要新鲜空气。7'x 4'走在壁橱里,但到了主浴室。因此,理想情况下,在壁橱中安装ERV会最大限度地减少管道工作。向上层提供新鲜空气不应该是一个问题。然而,壁橱中的噪声系数绝对可以是一个因素,并使其成为一个不期望的安装位置。
I built a house with similar dimensions and layout in 2001 and installed a Renewaire ~155cfm HRV. The mech closet was 5 feet from the primary bedroom, separated by a half bath. No issues with noise. I've also installed several smaller Broan and Panasonic HRV/ERVs in small houses without noise complaints. I would recommend the following:
1. Suspend the unit from straps or chains to minimize transmission of low-frequency vibration through framing.
2.仔细的Ashrae 62.2相应地计算和尺寸,不大于通用通气所需的大小。如果您需要更多的浴室或烹饪器排气,我建议为那些目的推荐专用的粉丝。
3. Select/size the unit for constant operation. I've found that for the low-level mechanical "white" noise, mostly what bothers me is starts and stops. If you can find a unit that can be adjusted so that it can run constantly and provide the recommended cfm, you can pretty much eliminate the start/stop issue.
Great info, thanks for sharing. I’m looking at either Renewaire EVS or the Panasonic Intelli-balance 100. Both units offer variable speed settings which sounds, based on your suggestions, desirable. I’m an owner DIY builder, not by profession. I’m learning as I go and am suffering a bit because these items weren’t planned well in the initial stages. Thanks again.
I considered the Lunos initially, but did not plan well. Two pairs would be needed and I did not consider the large penetrations in the ICF prior to the pour. They would have been perfect for the upper level. Thanks
Renewaire EV Premiums有EC粉丝可以拨入您需要的CFM。我会认为他们更安静。大似乎是矫枉过正,但可以拨到40 CFM,并具有巨大的核心,使其具有很高的核心。
避免任何PSC鼓风机,这些倾向于有一个60 Hz HUM,很容易通过大多数轻质的木结构来传播。仅使用ECM鼓风机选择单位。