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莱昂_G.|Posted in一般的问题on


I contacted our Building department and they stated that an NFRC certification sticker is required, with a few exceptions, none of which seem to apply to us.

It seems that a lot of folks use European windows, and don’t see the lack of NFRC certification discussed much on this forum, so I am wondering if I’m missing some (legal) way to get these past an inspector, or if it’s just that other jurisdictions are more lenient than mine? It’s frustrating because most of these windows have much better performance than traditional windows we see going into new houses here (Milgard), so I wonder if there’s some way to make this work.

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  1. 格雷格史密斯||#1

    IMO there are two primary reasons for a Euro window company to avoid NFRC certification.


    Second, certifying to NFRC will result in an apples to apples comparison with their North American counterparts, and their performance values will not look as good as advertised when only converted from the European certification.

    There are exceptions such as Zola, Intus, Oknoplast, and others who have certified NFRC, so you could look for companies that have the certification, or failing that there are North American companies that sell tilt/turns that are every bit as good as the imports, in part because they are likely using Euro hardware and sometimes sash/frame components in their window construction.

  2. 莱昂_G.||#2

    谢谢格雷格,这是有意义的。我理解那t certification process has its downsides (actually I was told that Aluprof is currently getting NFRC-certified, but probably not in time for our project). And I'm also investigating Zola and other NFRC companies, as well as the domestic suppliers (e.g. Alpen, Reynaers)).

    我的真正问题主要是关于人们如何在国内建设中使用非NFRC窗口,因为大多数司法管辖区都需要NFRC贴纸。我的窗口经销商表示,他们从未在这里使用非NFRC认证窗口的问题,他们只提供“热报告”。但不同的供应商表示,督察可能拒绝这一点,总有风险。我只是想了解如果在这里使用非NFRC Windows的可靠方法,或者它始终是风险吗?

    1. 查理沙利文||#3


      There may be cases in which people have had to use alternatives in the code to prove compliance with overall thermal performance with energy modeling rather than compliance with the prescriptive specifications.

    2. 格雷格史密斯||#4








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