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Exterior Rigid Foam Under Sheathing?

Joshua Greisen|Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson


熟悉这类CI panels?
- 在这些产品中看到,将护套放在刚性泡沫的外侧有任何好处吗?
– Why does adding rigid foam on the exterior of house sheathing seem more prevalent than sheathing to the exterior?

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  1. 詹姆斯摩根||#1

    Sheathing is normally applied directly to the studs to provide structural resistance to diagonal racking of the wall framing. A layer of ESP interposed between the studs and the OSB breaks that direct mechanical connection, so the arrangement your consultant describes would only pass inspection if a) the panel is specially engineered to provide such bracing - look up insulated structural sheathing - or b) if the framer includes alternative bracing provision such as let-in diagonals or proprietary steel bracing elements.

  2. 约翰·克拉克||#2

    Google ZIP-R ZIP SYSTEM from Huber. It's slick stuff.


    The one downside is that sheets which have thicker pieces of foam (ex R12) will require additional structural bracing for the framing. So if you wanted to do a really high R-value wall it might be easier to just throw up OSB first and then attach the foam.



  3. GBA编辑器

    Here is a link to a GBA article that explains everything you need to know about the type of wall panel you are talking about:墙壁的钉子面板

    1. Mykcuz2000||#15

      Is there any code compliance issue with installing 1"xps to the studs, followed by 1/2"ply sheathing and tyvek? Wouldn't this be a cheaper alternative to huber zip r?

  4. Joshua Greisen||#4


    Thank you for the link, that is the article I was hoping to find. I wouldn't have thought of the keywords "Nailbase Panels" though. I kept searching under CI panel.

  5. 乔苏哈拉达||#5

    Put the foam on the outside. Not BETWEEN the studs and OSB. You won't regret it.

  6. Joshua Greisen||#6


    Sticking with the foam to the exterior of the sheathing is the direction we are heading. Now we are digging into the details on the exterior EPS panels. Trying to figure out the most cost effective product in our area that meets our requirements. Whether the product should be faced for the walls /foundation and whether a single thick layer versus 2 overlapping thinner layers is better. Any advice in these areas?

  7. 乔苏哈拉达||#7

    I used 2.5 inch single layer white EPS but two overlapped layers are certainly a little better. I taped the seams with 3M all Weather tape and since I used reclaimed foam, any little gouges or voids, I added some Great Stuff I need a can. It is remarkable how much warmer the OSB is when it has the foam outside.

  8. Steve Knapp CZ 3A格鲁吉亚||#8


    Also consider using reclaimed foam on your project. It is much less expensive than new material and is more environmentally friendly. One source is Insulation Depot or, possibly, your local Craigslist.

  9. 乔苏哈拉达||#9


  10. 约翰·克拉克||#10


    Why would you not want to have the foam layer on the interior side of the sheathing? It really makes no difference.

    Exterior foam is a compromise. It's more work, requires more material, more difficult to hang a rainscreen, flashing details can be more complex.

    The only advantage of exterior foam is cost and the fact that you can push the R-value a little higher if you need it (most of the time you don't).

  11. Expert Member


  12. 约翰·克拉克||#12


    Agree. Additional shear bracing may be required with thicker levels of foam. That and cost are the primary issues (R6+).


    If the sheathing is on the exterior of the foam then drying isn't a concern because interior vapor will never reach the sheathing and the sheathing will always dry to the exterior (especially with any rainscreen). IMO that's a win-win.

  13. Expert Member


  14. Hugh Weisman||#14

    Thinking of using EPS 1-1/2" thick under exposed floor framing with foam insulation...then MDO plywood as finish on top of (or rather beneath) the EPS. Can plywood be nailed or screwed ok to TJI framing above without any problems, or is some type of nailer needed? Also, how would you secure the EPS to the bottom of theTJI's before adding the plywood below? Cap nails? adhesive?

  15. Expert Member


    I would use regular construction screws for this. I'd tack the EPS up with a few light-duty screws first, then put the plywood over the EPS using enough regular construction screws. I would stagger the sheets a little so the edges of the EPS and plywood don't line up.

    请注意,您不希望渗透到Web - OSB中心 - TJI托梁。如果你挑选只有1“左右的螺丝,你就会好的。你的大部分与TJI的限制都必须用网络中的切割孔,或切割和弦(不要削减和弦)。钉或拧入和弦通常不是问题。


  16. Hugh Weisman||#17

    谢谢......实际上,我们在一周前完成了这项工作......承包商在安装2 x 4后,承包商用一些PL粘合剂加上了EPS,以支持4'X8'MDO纸的所有边缘......然后是电源钉了mdo床单......出来了。



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