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Exterior Siding Options

1869Farmhouse| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Like all the homes I punish myself with, it’s a 100+ years old. It’s sheathed in ancient 2×12’s, so structurally it’s good to go. I always planned on doing wood, just because it seemed fitting for the style… but I didn’t pull the trigger on supplies 6 months ago and now the materials are up 300%.

Interior has plenty of insulation, but was also throwing around the idea of exterior rock wool. Wall assembly has closed cell foam on the interior side, so no exterior vapor barriers. I’m a little bit bummed about the whole thing and just looking for options. Seriously considered using a router to mill regular lumber…

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  1. Expert Member
    AKOS TOTH||#1

    I'll be installing standing seam snap lock but on walls. Need the right style house to pull it off, cost per sqft is reasonable and zero maintaince.

    At the local lumber yard, rough sawn was still reasonably cheap. If you are fine with finishing it yourself, you can try board and batten.

  2. user-2310254||#2

    I’m looking at Boral but availability seems to be an issue. Cement siding is likely to be cheaper and easier to source. Nichiha is petty nice, but I don’t know how it would work on a historic house.

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