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Musings of an Energy Nerd



This type of ground-source heat pump system has vertical closed loops.图中显示的系统类型包括插入钻孔的垂直管。一旦将U形管的长度插入钻孔中,孔就会充满灌浆。其他系统包括安装在4到5英尺深的沟渠中的管道水平长度。[插图由Fine Homebuilding这是给予的



To effect this heat transfer, a ground-source heat pump system requires either buried tubing—vertical loops of tubing inserted into boreholes, or horizontal lengths of tubing buried in deep trenches—or the circulation of water from a drilled well or pond through tubing that conveys the water to the heat pump.

Some manufacturers of ground-source heat pumps state that their equipment gathers renewable energy, or label their equipment as “geothermal.” To clear up these misconceptions: a ground-source heat pump does not use geothermal energy. It isn’t a type of renewable energy system. Like an air-source heat pump, it’s simply a type of heating and cooling system that uses electricity as its fuel.

Air-source heat pumps are much cheaper and almost as efficient


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  1. charlie_sullivan||#1

    This is all fair criticism. As an engineer, I was delighted to participate in the engineering project of designing a system for my house and tweaking it to get excellent performance, all for a cost at the low end of your range (15 years ago). But the experience also underscored how difficult it would be for someone without engineering expertise to achieve a similar result.

    但是,我在这里没有提到的一个优势,我认为在未来几十年中将变得越来越重要。也就是说,即使良好的空气源热泵安装的年度每年电力消耗与良好的地面源热泵安装的良好空气源装置也没有显着差异,但一月份寒冷的一月夜晚的高峰电力消耗也会大大增加源热泵。对于消费者而言,这并不重要,因为这是您不为峰值负载支付的总能源消耗。但是对于网格操作员来说,这种差异确实很重要。With an increasing percentage of variable renewable sources on a grid, including solar (which doesn't produce anything through a long January night), and with increasing electrification of heating, the fact that air-source heat pumps’ COP drops right when you need them most is a concern, and is a motivation to continue trying to improve approaches to cost-effectively installing and commissioning these systems.

    Companies like Dandelion are working on making the installation more systematic, to lower cost and avoid problems, and to do drilling with right-sized equipment and approaches that minimize overhead.

    It’s not a good choice right now for a typical homeowner, but I’m not ready to give up on it as a technology that should be used in the future.

  2. 专家成员
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#2

    “地面源热泵的一些制造商指出,他们的设备收集可再生能源,或将其设备标记为“地热”。To clear up these misconceptions: a ground-source heat pump does not use geothermal energy. It isn’t a type of renewable energy system. Like an air-source heat pump, it’s simply a type of heating and cooling system that uses electricity as its fuel."


    1. charlie_sullivan||#4

      Alternatively, we could say that air-source heat pump utilize renewable tropospherothermal energy.

      1. 专家成员
        马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#5



  3. Iainb||#3


    There are multiple locations for the pilots, both MA gas utilities are participating.

  4. superman22x||#6

    这似乎确实是《减少通货膨胀法》的细节之一包括续订和更新第25C节。它以每年$ 2,000的上限将所有热泵上的回扣(除其他外)更改为30%。当前的地热税返还延长到2033年,也以30%的速度延长。该法案目前尚未通过,但值得注意。

    EDIT: After a little closer look - the rebate is 50% of the heat pump cost ($8k max) if your household income is less than 150% of the median. Which for my metro Detroit area, ends up being $136k! The 30%/$2000 max is if your income is above the 150% threshold. Rebate is 100% if your income is less than 80% of the area median. I think we will see a LOT more air source heat pumps in the coming years. It will be interesting to see how the technology evolves.

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