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Feedback on 2nd floor cooling plans

特雷弗·兰伯特|Posted in机械on
I’m looking for feedback on my plan to cool the second floor of my house. I’m in zone 6. The main floor is heated and cooled by a Fujitsu 9k ductless, and the upstairs is supplemented by radiant electric heat. I found out last summer that while the heat migrates upstairs quite efficiently (the downstairs:upstairs heating ratio is over 9:1), it doesn’t work so well when cooling is what is needed (not surprisingly).
My two options are:
我打算为这项工作做出一些原因。我认为这是一种奢侈品,而不是绝对需求。我付了专业人士来进行主层迷你拆分,尽管他们安装了错误,但在8个月的时间里,在他们弄清楚自己做错了什么之前,花了3次关闭和6次单独的访问。将这与两种选择的报价为$ 4000- $ 20,000,如果我自己这样做的话,$ 1200- $ 2000,这很难证明专业路线是合理的。


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  1. 专家成员

    If you are going through the trouble of installing the unit, I would go with a ducted unit.

    I would try to tuck it further out of the way, even better go with one that can be mounted vertically and tuck it into the jog in the hallway (see attached). You can also run main trunk inside the rooms above the doors, this is much less visually noticable but more cutting to get through all the closets. 4" feels small for a room, don't forget to add on the heat from two people as well. For low static ducted units, usually for a larger bedroom I run 6" and 5" for the smaller ones.


    Lot of the units have the option of changing the inlet to the bottom, this would save having to build a return air trunk.

  2. 特雷弗·兰伯特||#2




    1. 专家成员





  3. Sean Cotter||#3
    1. 特雷弗·兰伯特||#5


  4. Jon R||#4

    What are the bedroom cooling loads and how warm (as compared to the hallway) can you tolerate?

    1. 特雷弗·兰伯特||#6

      The loads are (in BTU/hr):
      bathroom: 500
      master bedroom: 640
      bedroom 2 and 3: ~900 each
      I could probably tolerate maybe 4degF higher in the bedrooms than the hall.

  5. 用户-7046516||#8

    As a rough ballpark of 320cfm for a 9,000 btu unit the cross sectional area for the trunk and for all the branch runs combined will need to be about 77 square inches. This gives you a 14 x 6 main trunk and 4 x 5" runs. Ultimately there should be a proper duct design done that takes into account the loads for each individual room, velocity and friction. The duct design is based on the airflow requirement of the equipment and the static pressure specified for the equipment, you need to make sure the cross sectional area of the duct can move the full amount of air that the equipment is moving. This will make or break the performance of the AC.



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