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Floating plywood floor on rigid foam insulation on concrete?

Philip Koepf|发布了GBA Pro Help


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    1. Why not put all of the rigid foam under the slab instead of putting some of it on top?


    Fine Homebuilding: The Stay-Dry, No-Mold Finished Basement

    Fine Homebuilding Q&A: Finishing a basement floor

    GBA Q&A: Basement floor insulation retrofit

  2. Philip Koepf||#2

    Thanks. I guess the short answer for the concrete sandwich is that it is more comfortable for the occupants to stand on a wood floor rather than concrete. Just that little bit of give in the material seems to make a difference. I have no specific data on that just my opinion. Thanks for the links. I read though them and I think the trick is to have some way to tie the pieces together.

  3. Expert Member
    Kohta Ueno||#3

    我肯定会同意马丁 - 将所有泡沫放在板下是优选的,更少的工作。一些朋友和我最近在地下室工作,在那里我们沿着这些线路做了一个装配 - 没有现有的地下室板材绝缘。原始设计意图是1“XPS,带有胶带接缝,聚乙烯,3/4”T&G胶合板“浮动”。然而,我们发现胶合板卷曲或“薯片碎”过多,我们必须将其用塔皮斯固定在混凝土中,每4x8张约6张。请注意,Tapcons不会自检 - 您需要钻取浓度才能让它们刷新。也许你可以用两层3/4“或1/2”胶合板来做,但在那一点上,你就陷入了非常荒谬的材料,以便只为一点垫子躺下。

    As an FYI, our recommendation for an ideal slab can be found at these web pages:

  4. Philip Koepf||#4

    Thanks again. I was hoping that someone had installed this system before without issues but I suspected that the potato chip effect might be a problem. I don't want to go there. I think I will explore the foam fastened down with screeds and then plywood or maybe just put all the foam under the slab. The other issues with the concrete slab on top is the sheet vinyl they typically use in the kitchens and baths. The low VOC adhesives just won't work on new concrete without much fussing around.

  5. 理查德帕特曼||#5

    You might also try two layers of 7/16 OSB with staggered joints both directions (glued and screwed).

  6. Philip Koepf||#6

    Thanks again.

  7. Keith Gustafson||#7


    I used that and then discovered a wonderful tool called a "T nailer"


    Insulate under tho....

  8. John Klingel||#8

    I did exactly what Richard P suggested, 11 years ago in our basement bedroom. Were I to do it again, I'd use plywood instead of OSB. No issues have as yet surfaced.

  9. Philip Koepf||#9

    This is awesome. The first time I have ever submitted a question to a blog and you all have been hugely helpful. Hope to return the favor at some time. Philip

  10. Dave Cummings||#10


  11. Keith Gustafson||#11

    I think the product was 'Dritac 1001' but will double check

    [edit 12/16] that is in fact the stuff, seems to work great

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