
Hi – I’m a homeowner who has spent a ton of time reading a few dozen threads here (invaluable), other posts/articles elsewhere and have arrived at a crossroads…open to advice and/or questions I should be thinking about to help me arrive at a decision. I can provide as many details as needed on my energy audit, house location/construction/details, monthly energy expenses, etc. if necessary.
它归结为此(注意:不需要将阁楼用于存储/起居空间) -
1. Use blown-in cellulose in attic, lots of air sealing, CC foam in cantilevers/rim joist
- 如果安装阁楼/管道,没有纤维素的主要健康负面负面因素
-No fears of roof-rot issues as with foam (plus ability to find leaks easily)
- 将来要导航阁楼,以进行电气和/或中央空气相关的工作
-No major benefit to attic air handlers/ductwork (remain in unconditioned space)
-CC off-gassing potential
-Payback may not be entirely accurate given Jeff’s post here (Although since I run my A/C 24-7, perhaps non-issue for me)://m.etiketa4.com/community/forum/general-questions/36320/installed-r-60-insulation-attic-now-using-ac-more
-Creates conditioned space for attic air handlers/ducts
- 根据需要易于使用阁楼(甚至比现在更容易),因为玻璃纤维将被去除)
-Potential roof-rot issues (unless vapor retarder such as sheetrock is installed against foam & then painted…as vapor retarder paints apparently don’t work on cured OC foam –//m.etiketa4.com/blogs/dept/musings/joe-lstiburek-discusses-basement-insulation-and-vapor-retarders)
- 混合和/或安装不当的风险,导致化学敏感性的噩梦故事,不完整密封否定了“封闭”阁楼的某些好处,等等。
-CC off-gassing potential
1个主要问题(我在这里真正的困境) -
-Payback period for both options is estimated to be 10-15 years….it’s possible if expectations are exceeded, my payback period would be closer to ~10 yrs…I could end up moving 20 years after kids are out of the house though, who knows…Is ~10 years of realized savings (let’s say $1500-2000/year) worth the potential risks involved?
3 other questions I think would help me here:
-Is off-gassing of CC a big issue for rim joist & cantilevers? Or is it mainly for attics? If yes, would dense pack cellulose be a suitable “safer” alternative for rim joist/cantilevers?
-Does 100% water-blown resolve many of the chemical-related (off-gassing/sensitivities/etc.) problems with OC? Or is the blowing agent really an issue for installers, but improper curing/installation is the real culprit for chemical/smell issues for the homeowner after moving back in post-install?
-Saw this stat – “The U.S. Department of Energy states air leakage can account for 20%–40% of a building’s heating and cooling costs.” – Should I just air seal attic/doors/obvious holes (sheetrock, plumbing fixtures, etc.) extremely well and be done with it (DIY some of it)?
Editor– If you think it’s more appropriate for me to break up my questions into individual posts, please let me know, apologies in advance.
A collection of one thousand construction details organized by climate and house part

Off-gassing is a risk regardless of CC or OC foam. Roof rot is also a risk regardless of the foam's density. A roofing contractor recently posted on Allison Bailes, PhD blog regarding foam and roof rot. This contractor claims he is removing roofs which have both densities due to rot.
Everyone takes a risk of odor when they hire a SPF contractor. Industry claims some people are more sensitive than others. I see it as an excuse to a wide spread problem. To minimize your risk industry claims "YOU" need to do your homework on your contractor. The real risk you take is when "YOU" personally experience off-gassing. Is it to late to correct? Many experts say yes and few say no. I am aware of many people who are experiencing what you fear most. Whatever you decide, make sure your contractor is properly insured. ie; Error's and Omissions Insurance, Contractor's Pollution Liability Insurance and Workman's Comp coverage is in place. These policies seem to be the consensus of industry experts to help a consumer who faces odor trouble after SPFI installation. Without these policies you will find yourself eating the cost of remediation and/or years of court costs to recover your damages. Just my opinion.
It also matters whether the roof deck is plank, plywood or OSB (in ascending order of risk- OSB is the riskiest.)
Vapor Barrier Latex runs about 5 perms when applied to un-trimmed open cell foam, which is fine in some locations, a disaster in others.
Any polyurethane foam risks outgassing of polyols, as well as some of the fire retardents used. Only closed cell foam (ccSPF) risks outgassing of HFC blowing agents (which also add to global warming, BTW- use sparingly.)
在阁楼地板上放置先前存在的玻璃纤维会在屋顶甲板上绝缘时违反代码字母,但在大多数气候/条件下,这并不是特别冒险屋顶甲板。将其留在原位将减少整体加热和冷却载荷,即使它将管道放在热包膜的中间层中。(我怀疑在屋顶甲板和阁楼地板上均不忍受绝缘的主要原因是这样,因此建造者不会尝试使一些R(fore)+ r(floor)= r(最低密码)等式的类型。The Rroof should meet code-min (if you can), but that doesn't mean the insulation on the attic floor still isn't doing significant good, even if it's not as effective as when there is no attic space separating the layers.
In almost all climates 2" of ccSPF on the underside of the roof deck, and another 6-10" of dense packed cellulose in netting below that would work just fine, despite violating the letter of the IRC:
This works because the 2" of ccSPF is a class-II vapor retarder, whereas even 10" of ocSPF sprayed with vapor barrier latex is a class-III vapor retarder, with about 10x the vapor permeance. With dense packed fiber there will be condensing events at the foam/fiber boundary, but with dense packing the rate of air-transported moisture is pretty slow. Cellulose can even buffer quite a bit of moisture without damage or loss of function.
It sounds like you have done your homework, and you just need to make some decisions. Dana's advice is good.
如果你有空气处理程序和管道系统在阁楼上, you should do your best to bring your attic inside your home's conditioned space. When this equipment is located outside of your home's thermal envelope, you are paying through the nose for energy that is released into the great outdoors.
If your roofing is getting old, you might consider installing rigid foam insulation on the exterior side of your roof sheathing, followed by a second layer of roof sheathing and new roofing.
Dana- Are you saying that if I seal my ductwork connections better (i.e. mastic, etc.) and make sure it's insulated properly (right now it'll all insulated-flex, but some are crushed a bit so I'd replace those to increase air flow), that having the air handlers/ductwork in the attic (and the ductwork would be covered in the cellulose, just not the air handlers which would be dammed off), that the payoff b/w foam & cellulose may not be an expensive difference in my case? I've seen a bunch of articles that say air handlers/ducts in attic tip favor in foam, but if that can be minimized...makes my decision a bit easier...
(edit: Martin - you seem to imply that I may be wrong above...that it still could be very tangible difference in expense. Also, per your suggestion....my roof is in good condition, probably 5-10 years old at most)
Since you asked, here are the home details:
-Blower门:〜5800 CFM50
- 乙烯基面,木材结构 - 1982年。100平方英尺的无绝缘悬臂
- 屋顶:山墙屋顶(2 - 请参见下面的阁楼) - 带有棕色的带状疱疹(面向东北/西南)的胶合板
- 加热:4个底板加热区,包括地下室1个 - 效率80%
- 冷却:2个中央空气区(每个地面地板上一个);1个地下室的除湿机
-2 Attics (1 for main house w/ hatch, smaller 1 above rooms above garage w/ small door entry – rafters/collar ties, not a truss design) – each with gable vents, ridge vents, and soffits
主阁楼1:〜5.5“地板上的玻璃纤维绝缘(R-7);包含2个空气处理机 +绝缘管道(漏水连接…)。包含1个温度控制的屋顶呼吸机
Smaller Attic 2: ~10.5” fiberglass insulation (R-13) on floor, also some ductwork here
-Garage ceiling (660 sq. ft) & walls: A few inches of fiberglass insulation currently
-Rim Joist: Looks like possibly a little fiberglass insulation shoved in there, but don’t think it’s doing much
-Have 2 bay windows + most of my upper floor
-Cooling Usage: Keep central air around 73-74 on both floors at all times
-Heating Usage: Range between 68 (night) to 72 (day)
1. Leaving your air handler and ducts in an unconditioned attic; sealing existing duct seams and verifying that the ducts are in good condition; and adding cellulose to the attic floor.
2. Creating a sealed, conditioned attic by installing spray foam insulation on the underside of the roof sheathing.
在我看来,选择2 will cost more than Option 1, but will yield better performance (assuming, of course, that the specs are correct and the work is done well). It's hard to generalize, however, since construction costs vary a lot from one location to another.
You have to look at your budget and get some bids before you can determine the best way to proceed.