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Force/1 blower by Intec for a dense-pack installation?

Lance Peters| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

I looked around and found reference to using the Intec Force/2 blower for dense packing walls, but no reference for using the Force/1.

Has anyone used the Force/1 for dense packing a wall? It’s rated at 104 cfm @ 3 psi.

I’m not worried about the application speed, more about whether 3 psi is enough to dense pack? After watching a few videos it would almost seem that a significant amount of the “packing” of the cellulose comes from the force applied to the wand by the operator? If this is the case, would the pressure created by the machine matter much at all?

This would be used in a pack behind mesh installation with a solid tube/wand applicator. Thanks.

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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#1

    It's possible to hit north of 3lbs density with a Force-1 (and yes it could be time consuming), but it would take some skill & experience to hit north of 3.5lbs. Anything above 3lbs is considered dense-pack, but depending on your climate and stack-up you may need a higher density to ensure that it doesn't eventually settle.

    That said, I've seen ~2.5lb goods that looked brand new 25-30 years after the fact when gutting a house for a deep energy retrofit.

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