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Community and Q&A

GBA Q&A is gone?

W Ramsay| Posted inGeneral Questionson

For the past several days the GBA Q&A top page has been empty. No way to see a list of topics unless you go directly to a post. (Edit: this is happening on both of my machines w/ Safari. Firefox seems to work OK.)

Also, I tried to post a screenshot image but it didn’t seem to take.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    W. Ramsay,
    Everything looks normal to me-- both with Windows Explorer and Firefox. Any other GBA readers care to comment?

  2. Expert Member
    Armando Cobo||#2

    I was able to view 10 of 1599 pages in the Q&A just now. I use Chrome.

  3. W Ramsay||#3

    On each machine I killed Safari and after restarting the listing came back. No idea if this is a Safari bug or how the page is coded. All working again though.

  4. Expert Member

    I notice the occasional glitch where the list disappears or a database error pops up, but a reload usually fixes it. Sometimes I have to go to the homepage and reload that, then the Q and A works again.


  5. Aedi||#5

    This has happened to me occasionally since the update, but refreshing the page always fixes it.

    I'm afraid that my experience will not be useful for debugging though, due to the absurd nature of my technology use. I've got heavily modified Firefox web browsers on Windows and Linux, and I've experienced it on both. I think it has happened with my self-compiled modified chromium build on my self-compiled modified android phone, but I could be mistaken. I block a good portion of the websites scripts and resources by default, especially anything third party, so that could obviously influence things. Frankly, most websites are broken until I fine-tune my blacklist for them, so I'd take my experience with a grain of salt.

  6. W Ramsay||#6

    In my case a page reload didn't work. Nor did opening a new tab. I had to kill Safari completely and reload Safari.

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