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Michael Sterner| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

Finally moving forward on a zone 7 house build in Northern Wisconsin this spring and I need to settle on our window selection.


We’re after an aluminum-clad wood window for aesthetic and durability.

I’ve received quotes from countless companies but considering the product and service, we’ve narrowed it down to 2–Loewen and Zola. Here is the info:

Doug fir casements and fixed
Total window and door cost: $43,873
Airtightness: .03 cfm/ft2 @ 1920 Pa (40.10 psf)
VT: 0.42-0.49

Finger-jointed pine tilt-and-turns (can upgrade to other woods)
Total window and door cost: $45,527 + $5,800 shipping = $51,327
密封性:03 cfm / ft2 @ 4800 Pa (100.25 psf)
u-value: 0.16 operable, 0.16 fixed
SHGC: 0.35-0.4


谁能提供有关这些窗户和门比较的更多见解?当您包括额外的运输费用时,Zola的价格为7,454美元,如果我要升级到Douglas fir(如Loewens),则又有5,000美元。

How will these windows compare and perform in real life?


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  1. 保罗·库恩(Paul Kuenn)||#1

    Looks like you're on the right track Michael!
    I'm waiting to see some input also from members. I used to like Wasco but they've changed in a very bad way. No help, poor salesmanship & deliveries of the wrong goods. Have you looked into 475s offerings?
    威斯康星州PK Appleton

    1. Michael Sterner||#2

      Hi Paul, greetings to another Wisconsinite!

      I did look into the 475 options–great windows and competitively priced, but the response times were just too long. I was concerned that any amount of communication would be slow and ultimately cause delay. Zola and Loewen have had incredible pre-sale communication and service.

      1. Matt2021||#3

        I, too, have an interest in finding how performance windows for a four-season room project I have. I have been looking at Alpen's for now. When you and Paul mention the 475's, are you referring to windows being sold by 475 High Performance Building Supply? If so, the brand of windows they seem to sell is OptiWin. Is that right, or am I missing something? Thanks!

        1. Michael Sterner||#4


          1. Matt2021||#5

            Thank you!

  2. Eagleeyeshawk||#6




    1. Michael Sterner||#7


      Loewen- $92.75/sf
      佐拉Thermo Clad - $108.51

  3. Eagleeyeshawk||#8


    Thank you for sharing the schedule. Wow, I had no idea that the triple pane windows were that expensive. I’m glad you shared that information with us. Good luck with your decision. I will be rethinking our window budget!


    1. Michael Sterner||#10

      Yes, they're expensive. Don't close the book on triple pane though! You can get uPVC triple pane tilt and turn for half the cost that I've outlined here. They're a lot less expensive than aluminum clad wood.

  4. 威廉·赫尔西克(William Hullsiek)||#9


  5. Michael Sterner||#11


    Are any building scientists or folks with a deep understanding of window performance able to help me understand what the real life difference is between these options and anything else I should be considering that I am not?

  6. 布莱恩·威利(Brian Wiley)||#12

    嗨,迈克尔,这可能是您的老消息,但我将其传递给它,因为它滑倒了: climate


  7. Jason S.||#13

    Number of gaskets has an effect on the airtightness numbers. I can't speak to Loewen specifically but it's common for North American windows to only include one. My own casements have developed frost at the corners of the gasket, suggesting small air leakage (Pella fiberglass). Tilt turns often have multiple seals and multiple locking points ensuring tight consistent seal and resistance at higher wind pressures.

    u 0.16至0.2的能源节省并没有大不相同,但是如果您打算加湿以舒适为舒适,则可能有些凝聚力。制造商竭尽全力,低于U0.2的小额增量改进。我敢打赌,您基本上看到了框架设计的热差,玻璃性能中心的差异较小。

    Just my $0.02. I'd splurge for the tilt turns myself not for energy savings which are meager, but just for the 'feel' and operation.

  8. Peter L||#14



  9. 卢卡斯·彼得||#15

    Matt Risinger did an episode on European high performance windows ordered through this outfit:
    I have no relationship with this European window rep, I am just baffled at the lousy value proposition of US windows.

    1. Jason S.||#16


      Point taken but I believe Loewen are Canadian and Zola are definitely not manufactured this side of the Atlantic.

  10. Peter L||#17


    Price out triple pane in fiberglass or uPVC frames from a company like Alpen and you will see how affordable triple panes are vs wood frame aluminum clad windows that are imported from Europe.

  11. Eagleeyeshawk||#18


    I agree. What do you think the price differential is between a Loewen fiberglass window and the aluminum clad wood windows shown here? About 30% less? That’s still about $60/sqft.

    I actually saw some fiberglass modern Marvin windows the other day, double pane, u value 0.26. They looked quite slick and had decent specs. Was very tempted!

    1. Peter L||#19

      与Alpen Fiberglass Triple Pane相比,更像是40%的节省。U-Value为0.16的3'0 x 4'0固定窗口约为每平方英尺50美元的低至中$ 50。

      1. Eagleeyeshawk||#21


        Thanks for the information. Very helpful!

  12. Jonathan Lawrence CZ 4A New Jersey||#20

    I have European triple pane wood/alu-clad that worked out to $82/sf, but the dollar was really strong then. At the time Zola was about 10% more. The cheapest wood/alu-clad window was KlearWall, but I did not like their profiles. Intus had the best value fiberglass, but I don't believe they sell residential any more. I would not have an issue going fiberglass next time.

  13. T. Barker||#22

    Nice windows! Can't beat Doug Fir aluminum clad.

    我的两分钱是,对于您要建造的建筑质量,我个人会寻找U = 0.11-0.12 Windows。我的第一个反应是“耶稣,每平方英尺100美元。对于R5 Windows!”。但是我得到了道格冷杉的一部分。


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