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Brad Willson|发布了能源效率和耐用性


I live in Southern Ontario, Canada.

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  1. GBA Editor

    There are a couple of issues you need to consider:

    1. The interior sheathing helps brace the walls. If you remove the interior sheathing, you need an alternate plan for bracing -- so you may want to talk to an engineer.

    2. Between the interior face of the bricks and the studs, you ordinarily need an air space backed by a water-resistive barrier (WRB). I can see in your sketch that you've done your best to address that need. For more information on this issue, though, you may want to read this article:"Insulating Walls in an Old House With No Sheathing."

    1. Brad Willson||#4

      Thank you for the info. Will definitely have to contact an engineer

  2. GBA Editor
    Peter Yost||#2

    嗨布拉德 -

    You need to be completely sure about the relationship between the framing and the brick veneer. Is there a 1-inch air space between the brick veneer and the outside face of the studs? Would your WRB be discontinuous at each stud?

    I am having a hard time understanding just how the studs are sound and dry based on your drawing and if you insulated from the interior as planned, you are going to make your framing and anything to the exterior colder and LESS likely to dry.


    1. Brad Willson||#5

      There is a 1" gap between the brick and the studs and yes it would be discontinuous, would the certainteed membrane be an option to help promote drying?

  3. Expert Member


    When insulating brick houses, you always have to be mindful of the quality of the brick. There was a lot of variation at that time and some brick are very soft. Before doing any insulation, it is best to check around the neighborhood for similar homes with the same type brick. If you see a lot of spalling, I would be wary of insulating too much.

    现在你的提议的细节。第一次切ck with a structural engineer what to do with the interior sheathing, drywall is considered bracing in the OBC and you might be OK.

    Old balloon framed homes are extremely leaky (last I did an energy audit on one, 60% of the heat loss was from air leaks the rest was insulation/doors/windows). This is the most important item you need to deal with especially where the floor and ceiling joists are supported.



    Strapping plus rigid is also hard, you would have to trim the insulation to 14.5" width to get the 16" OC. You are better of with going with something like bellow to get the studs up to 5.5" thick and going with 2x6 insulation batts.


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