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How much am I going to save by insulating slab?

罗伯特·梅森|发布General Questions


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  1. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#1



    If your basement has uninsulated concrete walls, they certainly need to be insulated.


  2. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#2


    At the slab edges & above-grade perimeter it's all about heat loss, but with mid-slab insulation it's as much about mold & moisture control and comfort: Summertime outdoor dew points are much higher than the subsoil temps in a ME climate, and a box left on the floor of an uninsulated slab will get moldy, even if there's a capillary break and vapor barrier under it. (It wouldn't surprise me if the existing 1x sleepers were a bit punky or moldy on the bottom side where they contact the cool slab, not from ground moisture, but from summertime moisture from the conditioned space air.) While R3 (3/4" EPS) is enough to mitigate the worst mold issues, another inch would buy you some margin. If you leave them in and install more foam over them it's probably worth putting 6-mil poly between the sleepers and new foam.

    From purely an operating cost point of view there's rarely a good economic case to be made for the expense of radiant floors, but from a comfort point of view it's huge as compared to fin-tube baseboard. In-between is low-temp hydronic panel radiators, which are far more comfortable than baseboard, yet far cheaper than radiant floor. If it's a finished basement you plan on spending some time in winter a radiator approach or even radiant floor may be "worth it", but if it's workshop space or intermittent use space, maybe not.


  3. 罗伯特·梅森||#3

    空间作为全年的客厅,kitchen areas.The room is 23 feet across contributing to the cool feel I imagine. The perimeter has 2 inches of eps 4 feet down on the outside of frost wall. I heat mostly with a PT105 pellet boiler with oil backup. The sleepers are PT. What a great tool this site is and the people who contribute. Many thanks.

  4. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#4

    I assume you meant the Harman PB105 (not PT...) boiler? Seems like a lot of boiler, but it can probably still run at reasonable efficiency even if it's (probably) 2-3x oversized for the actual load. (And pellet pricing in ME sure beats oil with huge margin!)

    If it's a year-round living-room there's a comfort argument for radiant. Without more technical specs on the pellet boiler it's hard to say if running low-temp radiant involves any greater design/implementation difficulty than it would be running an oil boiler, but it's probably not going to be as happy & thrilled as a gas-fired modulating/condensing boiler at low-low temps. Any good heating system design starts with a careful heat load calculation, from which all the rest flows.

  5. 罗伯特·梅森||#5

    感谢Dana,我们有6000SF,但我认为它将处理它,通过Martin的先前建议,我们发现屋顶系统中有很多空气逃生,该屋顶系统被浪费了BTU,我们可以在Radiant中使用。在线经销商说,800 ST的Diys系统为3000美元。您是否会使用目前的绝缘材料来做到这一点,净空是我家人说会杀死两个房间的外观的问题。我打算混合180锅炉供应。

  6. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#6


  7. 罗伯特·梅森||#7

    谢谢for your help

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