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How much are mini-splits really affected by altitude?

Dave H| Posted inGeneral Questionson

你好 -

I’m sizing a heat pump mini-split for my 20×20 garage, which has been pretty well air sealed and insulated with closed cell foam. I’ve had a series of installers out and the recommendations were all over the place, ranging from 12k to 18k BTU, and from $3k to $12k.

Two of the companies actually bothered to do a load calculation, and I tried it online as well – but those numbers had a broad range, too.


Now, I can look at different models (like the Mitsubishi & Fujitsu) and choose a size. One thing I don’t understand, however, is how altitude plays into this. I know that mini-splits have reduced capacity at altitude, but how much would one typically deduct from the ‘perfect world’ capacity of a minisplit to account for altitude?

Is there a formula for this? I’m at around 5350 feet. thank you!

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1




  2. dorsett.||#2

    The short answer is that it varies, and you would have to consult with the manuturer. The derating will not be the same for each model or vendor.

  3. Bill Dietze||#3

    A good rule of thumb is to decrease the mini split output in proportion to the absolute air pressure.

  4. Dave H||#4

    Fujitsu responded right away with a very clear document. I have attached it.


    File format
  5. Dave H||#5

    Things are getting clearer.

    似乎最值得信赖并花费最多时间分析负载的安装人员正在富士通18RLB推荐。在该单位的规格中,它说'最小/最大加热BTUH 7,000〜20,000'。如果我弥补高度,大致弥补了海拔,那就是我所在地点的大约16,600个实际加热。

    同样的HVAC Pro估计我的空间20,503 btuh的最大负载。这不是意味着他提出的单位在加热方面有点动力吗?

    I also noticed that for the construction quality, he entered 'semi-loose'. This is a tough call because I sprayfoamed and airsealed the garage like crazy, filled all the bays with closed cell, and installed the windows extremely tightly. There is a garage door in there, but I've put in a new vinyl seal on the exterior and a big brush seal inside, plus upgraded to a well insulted/sealing door. I have a feeling this would be considered slightly more on the tight construction side then semi-loose, but I'm not really sure.

    Each of the HVAC pros who saw the garage all said it was the tightest garage they'd ever seen. I sort of get a kick out of the airsealing. It's like a game so I'm spend tons of time caukling and sealing. But, there is a lot of thermal bridging since I wasn't able to mitigate that with my skill level.

    Obviously there are a lot of moving parts to this - but with so many professionals giving different information, it's tough to know what is 'best'.

    - Dave

  6. Nate G||#6

    Does this altitude de-rating reduce the efficiency, or does the electrical consumption drop commensurately?

  7. Dave H||#7

    I'm not certain nor do I completely understand all of this, but reading the text on the PDF they sent it seems like the it's the 'capacity' that is derated, so I think it's derating the BtuH of cooling/heating that the unit can produce.

  8. Charlie Sullivan||#8

    Dave, none of these calculations are going to be able to reflect your actual air leakage, and without a lot of detailed calculations, they aren't going to reflect your actual thermal bridging. So there's some risk that you'll end up with the sizing off somewhat. The traditional solution is to oversize it to be sure. But you could also consider:
    1) You can probably tolerate having the garage temperature a little lower than you'd want your living room to be in the middle of the night on a cold winter night. That means you can get away with less heat being supplied, and the heat pump will actually be able to put out a little more heat at 60 F than it does at 72 F.


  9. Bill Dietze||#9

    Attached is some 2012 Mitsubishi data on high altitude performance.

    File format
  10. 斯蒂芬E.||#10

    Why spend 3k to 12k on a mini split in garage? This isn't living space. A gas garage heater would cost 10 times to 40 times less and work a lot a better. Even a electric version. Mini splits aren't made for on demand heating that a garage environment demands. Infrared is perfect for a garage. Heat the vehicle right before you take it out or work on it. Shut off the rest of the day. So not only is the initial cost many times cheaper, but the cost of running the equipment is cheaper (fuel & maintenance) when put on a timing system. Want AC put a $100 window AC and be done with it. Sometimes the easy solutions are the best.

  11. Dave H||#11



    Your $100 window unit suggestion is a no go but thanks..

  12. 斯蒂芬E.||#12

    You said a garage which are used for vehicles. If you mentioned that is going to be an office I would recommend a different solution. Don't be offended. Sometimes clarifying yourself helps.

  13. 专家成员
    Dana Dorsett||#13


    是一回事支付高端热泵heating & cooling a recording studio, another for heating & cooling a bedroom or living room, and still another for intermittent use as a pottery studio or glass blowing shop, and still another if it's going to be for cultivating cannabis (legal under some circumstances in some high altitude US locations.) The "one size fits all" or "one type fits all" approach to HVAC equipment selection isn't always going to end up with optimal solutions. A mini-split solution might be a reasonable choice, but it also might not be the most optimal.

    A blower door test might help in zooming in a bit closer on the infiltration contributions to the loads.

  14. Charlie Sullivan||#14


    If the garage door is not in regular use, there could be ways to temporarily seal it for the winter, making it a lot more air tight and perhaps also better insulated, while still allowing it to be used if and when needed.

    If noise levels are a concern, it might be that an oversized system running at part capacity would be quieter than a right-sized system running at full capacity. It would also catch up faster if you had to turn off the heat during a recording session.

  15. Dave H||#15


    In regard to sizing, the garage door (which has been pretty well sealed and is insulated) will very rarely be opened. And the unit can run continuously while recording. In fact, it's almost better if the cycles are long, so that there is less 'on and on' noise in the background if any of that noise manages to leak through.


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