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HSS post down to footings

布兰登|Posted in一般的问题on

I am in Seattle in a moderate climate. In my new home we have an HSS post in a basement that goes down and is bolted to the footings. The HSS post is 20′ tall and goes up to the 2nd story floor and above it rests a steel beam that expands the length of the building. There is no thermal break between the footing and the HSS post. So right now when I touch it, it is pretty cold. I’m pretty sure the best thing would have been to put a thermal break between the footing and the HSS post but that was not done and now everything else is in (stego wrap, insulation, rebar). Next up is the radiant and then slab pour. Should I have them insulate around the bottom of the HSS post so that it does not touch the slab? But then my logic tells me that the post it will not warm up and will be cold. Or should I leave it uninsulated, and try to wrap radiant tubing around the bottom of the post (beneath the slab) to get it to warm up. But then it will draw energy out.


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