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HTML hints for Dummies

John Brooks|发布了General Questionson

Hey Dan
Thanks for the New Editing Feature

Use this thread to Practice HTML & Picture posting

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  1. John Brooks||#1

    Perhaps we could use this thread for posting some practice posts
    A sort of sand box?

  2. John Brooks||#2

    I have been asking for over a year
    Are Riversong and I the Only Ones?

  3. John Brooks||#3

    OK,....noboby else cares
    If someone will just tell me how to make a grey box ....
    I will quit complaining about the user interface

  4. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#4

    The "gray box" innovation was first made by Michael Blasnik. I examined his posting, and I discovered his secret. Type the "less than" symbol ( ). That marks the beginning of your box.

    To mark the end of your box, type the same gibberish, except with a forward slash ( / ) right before the word "blockquote".

  5. John Brooks||#5

    Maybe I do not need the slash

  6. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#6

    盒子的斜杠表示最后goes between the < and the word "blockquote".

  7. John Brooks||#7

    attemping blockquote again

  8. John Brooks||#8

    I think blockquote will be handy

  9. Michael Blasnik||#9


    It looks like you should be able to getstrong = bold faceand underline andem = emphasis = italicsThe ol tag has to do with lists and the dl dt dd with definition formatting. The a tag will let you name your links to other web pages. You can look up common html tags pretty easily to get more info.

  10. Riversong||#10


    Now you've done it! The "green" forum is going to full of "little boxes made of ticky tacky, little boxes all the same".

  11. John Brooks||#11


  12. Riversong||#12

    Levittown was brilliant. My parents bought their first house there before I was born. Slab-on-grade with radiant heat, unfinished 2nd floor for future expansion. Not just a bedroom community but real neighborhoods with schools, post offices, community centers, public swimming pools.

    The primary drawback initially, was that it was "whites only" by legal covenant.

  13. Armando||#13

    How come some boxes are with a gray box and larger print and others are beige background and small print? I tried and came out small print too...

  14. John Brooks||#14

    I think the tiny font is the only option.
    The GBA advisors get the Big font in a box with a border.

  15. John Brooks||#15


  16. Riversong||#16

    The GBA advisors get the Big font in a box with a border.

    Yeah. Quite the class distinction, ain't it?

  17. Riversong||#17

    Let me try that again. No edit function so we plebians are stuck with our mistakes.

    The GBA advisors get the Big font in a box with a border.

    Yeah. Quite the class distinction, ain't it?

  18. Armando||#18

    I feel descriminated!!! Thanks for the info and I'll follow protocol in the future :-))

  19. Lucas Durand - 7A||#19

    I have been asking for over a year
    Are Riversong and I the Only Ones?

    A means of posting attachements would be nice even if it's just for paid member use only.

  20. Riversong||#20

    A means of posting attachements would be nice even if it's just for paid member use only.

    Not more discrimination! There's already a clear class structure here.

    From my perspective, the most important improvements would be (in this order):
    - an editing function so that posters can correct typos or other errors
    - a required field for City and State so questions can be placed in climatic and regional context
    - required full names (even if it can't be enforced, just stating that will encourage transparency)
    - a check box for occupation (architect, engineer, builder, home-owner, other) that gets appended to each name so we know to whom we're corresponding

  21. Lucas Durand - 7A||#21

    All good ideas Robert. I didn't mean to come across as discriminatory. It would be good to have an attachment feature. I think sometimes people (especialy lay people like myself) are better able to express themselves through drawings, pictures or photos rather than with written words.

  22. Lucas Durand - 7A||#22

    - a required field for City and State so questions can be placed in climatic and regional context

    Don't you mean State/Province? Don't discriminate against us Canadians eh? ;)

  23. John Brooks||#23

    Lucas:"Don't discriminate against us Canadians eh?"

    practicing bold font......
    I just recently learned what a "hoser" was
    I always thought it meant something else

  24. Armando||#24

    Maybe another change could be that one can ask a question to more than one "blog subject" at the same time so different group of folks have a chance to answer.

  25. Daniel Morrison||#25

    Test to see if we can add a photo from Google's Picassa:

    Did it work?

  26. Daniel Morrison||#26

    Test to see if we can add a photo from Google's Picassa:

    Did it work?

  27. John Brooks||#27

    This is great!
    Do you think this will work with other Photo sharing sites like Flickr?

  28. John Brooks||#28

    我只是注意到新的“输入format" feature below the (post new answer box)and the new Formatting tips


  29. John Brooks||#29

    Bumpin the "grey box" thread for Danny

  30. Danny Kelly||#30

    Bumpin the "grey box" thread for Danny


  31. John Brooks||#31

    Thanks Rusty
    maybe you forgot the backslash in the blockquote
    you can practice here on this thread

  32. John Brooks||#32

    maybe I should have said
    forward slash in the closing blockquote

  33. John Brooks||#33


  34. rustyjames||#34

    Hey this is fun!

  35. rustyjames||#35


  36. Daniel Morrison||#36

    This is great!
    Do you think this will work with other Photo sharing sites like Flickr?

    I'm not sure, John. I have a different set of privileges than regular users. When I sign out and then sign in as someone else, I don't have all of the options in the 'Input Format' section; it's restricted to 'Filtered HTML' rather than 'Full HTML'

    The IT department has told me that pictures will be coming to the forum very soon. I'll keep after them.


  37. John Brooks||#37


  38. Andy Ault, CLC||#38

    testing a site linkPureWood Products

  39. Andy Ault, CLC||#39

    try this againPureWood Products

  40. John Brooks||#40

    FYI, to type a degree symbol in the Arial font, hold down Alt and type 0176.

    per TJ Elder,

    TJ ....your suggestion is not working for me...hmmm?
    I hold down alt then type 0.....when I hit the 1 the page shifts on me

  41. TJ Elder||#41

    John, are you using Windows? The degrees symbol is also in the Character Map (All Programs/Accessories/System Tools/Character Map). It says there what the keyboard shortcuts are. If you use a different OS then the codes may be different.

    It would be sweet if there were a way to hack the keyboard and change a useless key like Scroll Lock or Insert and make that a degrees key.

  42. Riversong||#42

    The Num Lock has to be on.

    °(度标志)是ALT-248,用于PCS的IBM ASCII扩展字符集。

    The key combos are different for Macs:

  43. John Brooks||#43

    testing 451°

    it was the NUMLOCK Key! thanks

  44. Riversong||#44

    testing 451°

    Is that F or C? Are you a closet book burner?

  45. Michael Chandler||#45

    Good catch there Robert!

  46. Lucas Durand - 7A||#46


  47. Lucas Durand - 7A||#48
  48. Riversong||#49
  49. John Brooks||#50

    GBA Blogs PageJust Testing.... Thanks Lucas

  50. John Brooks||#51

    Snipping Tool

    For Posting "Screen Shots" or portions of screen shots
    I found this free progam on my Windows PC

    > Windows开始
    >All Programs

    Feel free to practice on this thread

  51. Riversong||#52
  52. John Brooks||#53

    trying to correct a link

    I noticed that I could not paste the new link
    until I deleted the old link.
    probably an anti-spam feature

  53. Riversong||#54

    I think it will work if you use wheat paste.

  54. John Brooks||#55

    Did you figure out the Snipping Tool?
    there are other methods if you are not using windows

    One nice thing about the snipping tool
    you can capture screenshots from videos
    here is a European Cellulose blow
    interesting how they use the bag

  55. Riversong||#56

    You mean no windows, like in the house in your picture?

    And, isn't that a vacuum cleaner bag? I think they're sucking out the insulation.

  56. John Brooks||#57

    the house has windows
    I believe they are blowing and the bag is filtering the overblow?

    here is the video
    starting around 3:34 from the begining

  57. Riversong||#58

    Yah, I've seen that video. It reminds me of the house I least enjoyed building - a panelized creation of a TVA engineer and architect that I assembled on a community land trust in rural TN in 1982, sans tape.

  58. John Hess||#59



  59. John Brooks||#60

    Here is a screenshot

    of the blockquote feature

  60. John Brooks||#61

    John H,
    It looks like you already figured it out

  61. ROY HARMON||#62

    test photo
    Think I've got it now John thanks

  62. ROY HARMON||#63


  63. ROY HARMON||#64

    test~ now what am I gonna do?

  64. John Brooks||#65

    Michael Blasnik,
    Why is the text in your recent gray box quotes "not-so-dark"?


  65. John Brooks||#66

    maybe it is my screen or my eyes... the blockquote box looks gray to me
    the Question box appears very light green to me.

  66. Riversong||#67


    Am I the only one who can see that the box is a very light green and not gray at all?


    而且,我想知道Michael最近的Not-So-Wellg-Green Boxts盒子也是如此。

    And, I sure wish there was a more automatic way to quote a line or include a textual hyper-link than having to type the html tag. What a primitive website this is - you'd think it was created by REALLY GREEN luddites.

  67. Aj Builder, Upstate NY Zone 6a||#68

    A little other basic aid to posting. Spell check is built into Google Chrome. There is a browser add on feature for Microsoft IE. If not into spell checkers, for a certain someone, a neat rule from third grade, i before e except after c.

    Another over the top tool for someone like myself... posting from Microsoft Word one can get help with all the rules of proper English, though as has been pointed out, I don't partake in such activities, LOL.

    Question to you pic posters, how do you combine two or more pics side by side into one pic? I know how to do panarama pics but have not done a "before and after" style joined pic.

    Just Googled my question and found out about the collage function in my Picasa program. Is that what you all our doing it seems? I like it.

  68. Lucas Durand||#69

    Why is the text in your recent gray box quotes "not-so-dark"?

    John, I may be able to answer your question.

  69. Lucas Durand||#70


  70. Lucas Durand - 7A||#71

    Oops. My example didn't go the way I wanted.

  71. Lucas Durand - 7A||#72

    I'll use "sinpping tool" to show you what I mean.

  72. John Brooks||#73

    here is one way to copy links
    your browser may look different
    Copy the link in the browser window
    and then paste it into your post

  73. John Brooks||#74

    the blockquote feature is quirky
    sometimes I have to nest a "strong" html pair
    see comment 80 below

  74. John Brooks||#75

    I am using Internet Explorer 9
    I am not having any problems at any other websites...

    But I can not "enlarge" most photographs here at GBA
    I can only view photos that are posted at the Q&A ...
    But that is all ...can not "enlarge" any other photographs at GBA

    Any ideas?

    problem started about 2 weeks ago even before I upgraded to Internet Explorer 9

  75. John Brooks||#76

    hey Minneapolis
    here is a tip for attaching pictures
    be sure to select the "Attach" button before you select "Post"

    what do you think..Ginger..or Mary Ann?

  76. John Brooks||#77

    Hey Dan and or Martin,
    How about some hints on how to use the "quirky" search feature here at GBA?
    I have never seen any instructions ...
    and I have no idea why it "seems" to work sometimes.
    More often than not... it does not work at all.

    Edit to say...
    I have just recently tested the feature and for now it seems to be working

  77. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#78

    GBA的搜索功能确实是Quirky。据我所知,它最大的错误是它不会适合适当的名词(人们的名称,地理特征等)。我不知道为什么 - 但科技人士正在努力。

    Believe it or not, GBA hopes to announce some website improvements in a month or six weeks, if all goes well.

  78. John Brooks||#79

    If you are working on a wish list....
    searching or filtering for posts by the poster's name would be very usefull
    for example Michael Blasnik or Bill Rose

  79. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#80

    Thanks for the suggestion. That improvement is already on our list. Please keep those suggestions coming, though -- they are much appreciated.

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