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HVAC system owners manual

PlainGreenGregory| Posted inMechanicalson

I am part of a group of owners who are building some townhouse type units (triplexes and duplexes) in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia (which appears to put us on the border between climate zones 4a and 5a). The designed HVAC system consists of Mitsubishi minisplits and a building ERV (RenewAire). The builder at each homes completion gives the new owners a binder with the equipment manuals of in the house. However, I have been concerned because few of the owners will have had any experience with minisplits, and none have experience with ERVs. So I think what is really needed is a brief supplement from the builder (or from the mechanical subcontractor) with recommendations on how to use the equipment (for instance, what settings would be appropriate for the ERV). So I wanted to ask if any of you would be willing to share with us a document similar to what I’m looking for, one that might be used as a model or inspiration in our project. (I could provide an email address or postal address if someone has something to share.)

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  1. Expert Member

    You might try asking the manufacturers of the equipment for submittal documents. These are the documents used in bid specifications and architectural project documentation packages giving key features and functions of the equipment. Most manufacturers will have information like this available free of charge, usually with some diagrams/drawings too. The manufacturers might have “quick start” guides available as well.


  2. Jon R||#2

    How much ventilation one needs is highly dependent on how much (and what kind of) pollution the building is producing. And even then it's controversial. I think there is a very good argument for operating on max for the first 6 months.

    Dehumidifier operation is also important.

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