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I can’t find out how amps are converted to volts

Shaye Miller|发布General Questions

As I said in an earlier thread I am making a solar powered usb charger. My solar panels have more than enough amps for the charge but the volts are behind at 7.71 and needs to be at 12. So my question is this: How are amps converted and how many amps WILL BE converted to supply the needed 4.3 volts more?
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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    First of all, since you already started one thread on this Q&A forum, you should post all of your follow-up questions on the same page, instead of starting a new thread with your second question.

    I'll answer your question, however. The voltage of a PV module is determined by the number of solar cells in the module. This voltage is fixed. Each solar cell produces 0.5 volt. Two cells produce 1 volt; 6 cells produce 3 volts; 24 cells produce 12 volts.


    Another approach is to obtain two PV modules that produce 7.7 volts and wire them in series. (Connect the positive output of one module to the negative output of the other module, just like when you put two batteries in a flashlight.) Wired in this way, the two PV modules will produce 15.4 volts -- a good voltage for charging a 12-volt battery.

  2. Shaye Miller||#2


  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#3

    Once you have created two threads on this site, there is no way to combine them.

    Q. "I can't find out how amps are converted to volts."


  4. AJ建造者,纽约州北部6a||#4

    p = VXI因此,使用变压器电压可以增加,并且AMP会因效力而导致的某些损失成比例地减小,而效率显示为热量。

    就像马丁说的那样,尽管网站上有一些网站修补​​并创建各种自制的东西,但购买所需的东西要容易得多。POP SCI是一个与Check Pop Mech等人一起使用的。

    Here's a site with basic formulas for electricity.

  5. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#6

    What exactly are you trying to charge with the PV? How many amps of +12V do you THINK you need? How many amps of 7.7V can/does your panel deliver.

    大多数“通用串行总线USB为“德维克es operate at a nominal +5V, not +12V, up to 2 amps (for 10 watts total) but high power devices can be up to 5 amps at +12V /or +20V (for 60 to 80 watts total.)

    We would need to know the peak draw of the load you intend to hang on this to come up with reasonable recommendations for what to use for a boost converter (if it's needed at all). If the PV panel is marginal on how much power it delivers there may be no truly satisfactory solution. Designing even a 10 watt boost (or buck) converter powered by PV is not a totally trivial exercise if the power needs to be both clean & stable (which may or may not be the case.)

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