Do you already have gas? How many people are in your household? What are your electricity and gas rates? Is space at a premium in your utility room or where the old unit was located?
Rick, What type of heating system and water heater do you currently have ? How many adults and children also should be asked and are thsoe children if there are very active , ages . I would suggest a 40-50 gallon , very well insulated NG storage water heater . Have your plumber arrange to store at 140*+ and mix down to 115-120* . By doing this you will accomplish 2 things .
1. Kill bacteria which colonize in water heaters such as Legionella . It really is a concern that should be factored in . 2. This strategy will increase the storage capacity , not in gallons but in energy . You can get a better result from a 50 set up this way than a 75 set up to store at say 120* .
如果你取暖的房子hydronic boiler, an indirect-fired tank running as a zone off the boiler increases the duty-cycle on the boiler (which improves it's as-used efficiency), and provides faster recovery than most standalone HW heaters. Indirect HW heaters also have much lower standby loss than standalone tanks, since there is no center-tank heat exchanger flue convecting heat out of the tank 24/365, and have fewer gaps in the insulation.
With recirculation systems HW heating efficiency can be undercut significantly if it is keeping the distribution pipes hot even when hot water isn't going to be drawn. The type of control matters- demand types are far more efficient.
Neat trick to bring hot water to a far bathroom, plumb the toilet with hot water, use toilet, flush, waa laa, less cold water to dump at the sink next or shower and you have used the water instead of wasting it.
Kills two birds with one stone too... no more sweating toilets ruining subfloors bringing in carpenter ants for me to remove. (lost job for me which I have performed more than once)
Do you already have gas? How many people are in your household? What are your electricity and gas rates? Is space at a premium in your utility room or where the old unit was located?
And what are your hot water requirements? Huge garden tub? 2 hour long showers?
Space not an issue. No excess water needs. We have a recirculating system as water heater is below house.
这是一篇文章的链接,该文章为房主提供指导,做出像您这样的决定:The Water Heater Payoff.
The article includes a decision tree (reproduced below).
What type of heating system and water heater do you currently have ? How many adults and children also should be asked and are thsoe children if there are very active , ages .
I would suggest a 40-50 gallon , very well insulated NG storage water heater . Have your plumber arrange to store at 140*+ and mix down to 115-120* . By doing this you will accomplish 2 things .
1. Kill bacteria which colonize in water heaters such as Legionella . It really is a concern that should be factored in .
2. This strategy will increase the storage capacity , not in gallons but in energy . You can get a better result from a 50 set up this way than a 75 set up to store at say 120* .
如果你取暖的房子hydronic boiler, an indirect-fired tank running as a zone off the boiler increases the duty-cycle on the boiler (which improves it's as-used efficiency), and provides faster recovery than most standalone HW heaters. Indirect HW heaters also have much lower standby loss than standalone tanks, since there is no center-tank heat exchanger flue convecting heat out of the tank 24/365, and have fewer gaps in the insulation.
坦克HW加热器(几乎)永远不需要比您需要填充的最大浴缸更大。如果您有一个大批量浸泡浴缸,则可能有75加仑坦克的原因,但否则没有良好的理由。在更大的锅炉上(100,000 btu/hr +)上有间接储罐,您通常甚至可以将储罐尺寸缩小到30加仑,并且仍然填充大多数浴缸,因为它以足够高的速度产生热水,以至于水龙头的温度不会掉下沐浴温度。(如果确实如此,请将存储温度提高10F。)
With recirculation systems HW heating efficiency can be undercut significantly if it is keeping the distribution pipes hot even when hot water isn't going to be drawn. The type of control matters- demand types are far more efficient.
如果房屋下的分配管道没有绝缘但可以访问,则值得改装R4(3/4英寸墙壁闭孔泡沫)管道绝缘,即使您可以得到的所有内容 - 甚至“返回”线。这将减少职责再循环泵的循环要求通过保持水量足够温暖,可以在抽奖之间延长时期,并且会减少系统的整体热损失。将冷水馈入到热水罐中的6-10'水箱以及任何温度/压力溢流管道最近也减少了待机损失(在燃气加热器的情况下,请确保在烟道或燃烧器和燃烧器和管道绝缘之间留出足够的间隙,以满足火灾代码。)“泡沫管道绝缘在盒装商店出售,只有R2大约比没有好,但远不及最大财务理性的R值。(根据IRC 2012下的钢化水分配的最低隔热材料为R3。)您可能必须在线才能找到它,但它在那里。在改造情况下,预剪裁的内容最容易处理。
Neat trick to bring hot water to a far bathroom, plumb the toilet with hot water, use toilet, flush, waa laa, less cold water to dump at the sink next or shower and you have used the water instead of wasting it.
Kills two birds with one stone too... no more sweating toilets ruining subfloors bringing in carpenter ants for me to remove. (lost job for me which I have performed more than once)