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I need to replace my gas furnace

David McCoy|发布Mechanicals

Hello to everybody at GBA.

My gas furnace and AC system is starting to get old and I’d love to replace it with a heat pump. As I already have ducts, it seems to me that a ducted system would be best, but I can’t figure out if that would really work.

I live just north of Boston in a 1,475 sq. ft. 1970s ranch. I did put more insulation in the attic, but this is no high performance house, I have 2×4 walls and inexpensive windows with storms. Working backwards from my gas bill (using Dana Dorsett’s excellent formula – Thank you Dana!) and an outside design temperature of 8 deg. I came up with an hourly heat load of just over 22,000 btu/hr. The current furnace is rated 90,000(!) and has a 92% AFUE, the AC is a 3 ton, 10 SEER.

The ducts are in the basement and as far as I can tell, it’s a good system. All sheet metal with straight runs. The main duct is 8×17″ with 6″ round duct branches. They’re neither sealed nor insulated but the “waste” heat heats the studio and workshop so I’m reluctant to change that.


Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.

David McCoy

GBA Prime


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  1. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#1


    任何有能力的HVAC承包商都应该能够为您提供安装热泵的估算值。确保您询问热泵是否在寒冷的室外温度下运行 - 如果是这样,则有多冷。

  2. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#2


    Play around with their online capacity/sizing tools(click the "Heating Capacities" tab) with different compressor & air handler options:

    If you plug in +8F for a design temp and 20,000 BTU/hr for a load (both heating & cooling) you'll find several combinations that have you covered- even with the 2 ton compressor for the Greenspeed would have you covered in heat-pump only mode for at least 97% of all heating hours, and the 3-ton compressor would cover you down into negative-digits. Since it's a modulating unit with a pretty-good turn down ratio, the 3 tonner would probably give you slightly higher seasonal efficiency. The HSPF of some of these combinations is right up there with mini-split.


    If you're on one of the municipal electric utilities you may have been spared some of the brunt of this year's winter price hikes. NStar & National Grid residential retail is running about 25 cents/kwh right now (grid delivery charges included). But if you have the solar access you can get that down to 15 cents or so even under a $0 down leased solar option, cheaper still if you opt to own rather than least. Since MA has a very solar-friendly net-metering policy support, going with rooftop PV (whether leased or owned) makes a lot of sense when considering heating with heat pumps. At 15 cents a GreenSpeed would beat condensing gas on operating cost.

    Before replacing any equipment, a more serious air sealing & weatherizing approach may be warranted. If you have no foundation insulation, bringing that up to IRC 2012 code min (R15 continuous insulation, for MA) would cut a good chunk off that heat load number, and should bring it under 20K, at which point the 2-ton GreenSpeed makes more sense.than the 3-tonner. Insulating the foundation would also increase the basement temperature in winter. My basement in Worcester doesn't drop below the mid-60sF in winter since adding 3" of reclaimed polyiso to the interior of the foundation walls & band joist, sealing it all up. It's at it's coolest when I'm heating primarily with the wood stove, with less distibution loss heat from the hydronic heating system or the hydronic air-handler ducts, but it's never really "cold". In MA there are multiple vendors of reclaimed foam board, which makes an all foam solution cheaper than a virgin stock R5 foam + R13 studwall solution to hit that performance point.

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