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Sara Mattox|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

We have a 26 year-old home, that according to an energy audit, is too tight. It is a split level with the basement finished. We were told that we would need to install an HRV. However, we live in North Pole, Alaska and our heating system is a baseboard boiler system, hence, no ductwork. We get plenty of condensation on our windows in the winter (almost a foot last year), mold in the bathrooms (bath fans are old and not moving enough air), and our oven vent just recirculates the air, doesn’t acutally move it outside. I’ll be honest, my DIY skills are limited and $10,000 for someone to come in to do it for me isn’t feasible at the moment. Are there any suggestions on where to start or other options? I am terribly desperate at this moment. Just remember that 50 below is not uncommon for where we live and anything and everything is more expensive here than anywhere else it seems, but I am open to any suggestions! Thanks so much for your time!

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  1. 明尼苏达州的孩子||#1




    即使有合理的温度湿度your window panes when it is -50F, is vital to reducing condensation there. I assume windows are tight because the house is "too tight". Good Storm windows can add R-2 for less than replacing all windows with smaller U<20 ones. assuming it is coldest at night, diy insulated external shutters might be worth while (poyisocyaneurate rigid board with aluminum foil as radiant barrier may available). internal plastic window film help if then warm enough that water condenses without freezing so can drip into a container (you empty).


  2. GBA编辑器
    Martin Holladay||#2

    HRVs are routinely installed in homes with hot-water heating systems like yours. You HRV will require dedicated ductwork; most of the ducts will be only 4 inches in diameter.



    To learn more about installing an HRV, read“安装热恢复呼吸机。”

  3. John Klingel||#3

    Sara: A FOOT of ice? A#1 I'd get those useless fans into a dumpster and get some air moving out of your bathrooms and kitchens, either with fans on timers or slowly, 24-7. Brown's Electric sells the Panasonic Whisper Green fans and they are as quiet as you hear them advertised (the one I have sure is), and they are somewhat programmable. Spenard's sells the American Aldes Airlet 100s passive air vents, I believe, which one of the gurus here suggested be used with exhaust-only ventilation systems. A few passive air vents (Aldes, for ex) and a few good, quiet fans, should go along way to reducing your moisture w/out needing a direct hookup to a fuel line from the refinery. Forget the btu's you are shipping out to the ionosphere. That ice and mold will generate huge bills for you sooner or later. In the meantime, I hope you are able to kill the mold w/ bleach; otherwise, a pro mold shop may be in order. BTW: Did you call Holaday Parks and ask them for suggestions? Ask for Jerry. john

  4. riolsong.||#4


    If your house is 26 years old it is probably not all that tight. The problem is that you aren't evacuating the primary moisture sources. You must replace the ineffective bath fans with quality, efficient units like the Panasonic Whisper series (,您应该用定时器开关更换风扇墙壁开关,使风扇在淋浴后继续运转15分钟(。

    再循环罩罩毫无价值。您必须用一个安静,高效的通风罩(150-200 CFM是充足的)更换,并确保在烹饪时使用它(保持所有锅上的盖子)。


    Do not dry cordwood indoors or wash the dog or water dozens of large potted plants or hang laundry by the woodstove, and if you have a jacuzzi don't use the jets.




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