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GrumpyIowaHomeowner|发布了General Questions


For the sake of this question, assume we have a plan for tackling interior solutions to this issue, as well as directly adding some oomph to the exterior part of the ceiling (porch floor).

We have to futz with a bunch of the drainage and/or landscaping anyway, so we started asking ourselves what other minor “why not” adds could we add to our plan to make it a little more holistic/well rounded without much more labor/cost.

Some context: the basement is about half finished. But no matter where you are in the basement the majority of the perimeter walls are encapsulated. Presumably because they didn’t want to dig up the foundation to the footing, they added inside those fun perimeter metal braces to the foundation and a new french drain, second sump pump system. Depending on who you talk to, there was a “trickle” in the basement but they were taken to town by the basement systems company.



What we did think of doing, from a cost and ease perspective, is digging 2 feet below grade, and adding some styro insulation skirt panels to add a little bit of insulation, and improve the aesthetics of the admittedly nasty looking above grade foundation exterior.

1. Waterproof the visible part, add insulation skirt panels that go 2 feet below grade up to the sill.

Is this reasonable? I don’t care if its a minor improvement, I just want to know if there is any reason I absolutely shouldn’t do this. If I’m missing something obvious.

Online, I’ve read lots of opining on waterproofing exterior above grade foundation, insulating it ranging from don’t touch it, go all the way down or nothing, why would you bother, etc. I’ll concede part of it is also aesthetic, and a desire to waterproof around the window wells, though there is no grand problem with them at the moment.

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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#1


    What DOE/IECC climate zone are you in?

    Is the encapsulant an insulating type? Is it somewhat vapor permeable?

    Is there a capillary break between the top of the foundation concrete and the foundation sill to prevent ground water from wicking up into the foundation sill?

  2. Paul Kuenn.||#2


  3. GBA Editor

    我花了一段时间来弄清楚你的“冷室”的意思 - 它听起来像一个延伸在你的门廊下的地下室,使得门廊楼层高于冷室。这些房间很难详细。

    I hope you know that you need to retrofit (a) horizontal insulation at the level of the ceiling of the cold room (or above the existing porch floor), and most important, (b) roofing (for example, EPDM membrane). Once this roofing is properly installed and flashed at the perimeter, you can install a new porch floor above the roofing.

  4. GBA Editor
    Peter Yost||#4

    GBA has a lot of resources on insulating either from the interior or the exterior of the foundation: just type in "foundation insulation" in the GBA search bar.

    I think your question is about the benefits of insulating just from the exterior and just the above-grade portion and then 2 feet down below grade?


    In my opinion, we insulate with the same thickness of insulation from the top to the bottom of the foundation wall in new construction because:

    1. we can, easily
    2. it keeps the plane of the wall the same top to bottom



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