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350,000 BTU加热器太大了吗?

slateandall|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon


Several people have commented that our 350,000 BTU heater (water heat) is crazy big for the house.

Is there any drawback to a big heater (other than the cost of initial install)? Anything to watch out for going forward?


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  1. Expert Member
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#1


    The heat load of reasonably tight 4000' insulated 2x4 framed house with clear glass storms and R20 fluff in the attic will come in about 80,000 BTU/hr @ 0F even without foundation insulation, about 60,000 BTU/hr with basement wall insulation. With no wall insulation and a lot of air leakage it may come in at or above 100,000 BTU/hr, but if it's that bad it's very cost effective to start fixing the building envelope. But even a 4000' tent doesn't have a heat load of 350,000 BTU/hr without leaving some windows or doors open.

    So let's say it's a fairly leaky sucker with almost no insulation and has a heat load of 100,000 BTU/hr at 70F indoors / 0F outdoors. A boiler with 300,000 BTU/hr would be able to heat the place at an outdoor temp of -140F.

    Are we expecting hell to freeze over or something?

    或者is it the idea that everybody sleeps with the windows open on the coldest night of the year?

    There's a double digit efficiency hit for a cast iron boiler for being 5x oversized for the heat load, even if there's enough radiation to emit 100% of the boiler's output on every zone. Even at 3x oversizing it's about a 10% hit. (See Table 3, and compare the steady state efficiency column to the 3x oversize factor column: If it's broken up into multiple zones the number of burn cycles soars and corresponding efficiency hit becomes even worse.

    This is why ASHRAE recommends an oversize factor of no more than 1.4x from the 99th percentile temperature heat load when specifying non-modulating heating equipment.



    Since you don't have a heating history to compare fuel-use against heating degree-day data you can't put a stake in the ground on boiler output requirements, HIRE a third party such as a RESNET rater or professional engineer (and NOT an HVAC contractor) to run an Manual-J heat load calculation using aggressive assumptions (per the Manual) on things like R-values & air tightness.


    As part of the analysis for the heating system run a zone-by-zone tally of the radiation. If much of the radiation is cast iron, use this as a guide:

    1. slateandall||#7

      I tried those two websites for Manual-J—way above my technical ability. The Columbia Heating document is very interesting. I will calculate EDR for the house. That seems like a fun doable project. How do I know if I have gravity hot water or a pump?


      1. Expert Member
        达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#8

        > How do I know if I have gravity hot water or a pump?


        Is it possible that your system is steam?

        1. slateandall||#9


          Yes, two of the original cast iron pipes are 4”. They connect together to a single smaller new copper pipe that goes into the FCV/pump.

          There are 4 other cast iron pipes (smaller than 4”) that connect to a single newer copper pipe that goes to the boiler.


          1. Expert Member
            达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#10


            我办公室里的一个人生活在约5000平方英尺的19世纪古董房屋中,曾经有类似的重力饲料锅炉后来转换为抽水。大约十年前,它被一个(现在不可用的)自由瓦特系统取代,该系统的共同发电机已嫁给了(仍在加热负荷的A(仍超大))190,000 BTU/HR(输出)调节冷凝锅炉和间接热水器。燃料使用实际上下降了一半,就他而言,Cogenerator在一年中大约4-5个月跑了24/7,也从电力账单上淘汰了一大笔钱。

            At some point it's going to be worth getting rid of the beastie boiler and going with a modulating condensing boiler that's appropriately sized for the heating load. With an ancient converted gravity feed the standby and distribution losses are huge, but a fuel-use based load calculation would put a very firm upper bound on the actual heat load (probably still a way oversized number). See:

            // of-new-new


            In addition to the fuel use load calculation it will be worth paying a third party who it NOT an HVAC contractor to run an aggressive Manual-J heat load calculation on the place. If there are any insulating/air-sealing/window upgrades planned, the Manual-J should be for the "after upgrades" condition of the house. In my area a proper Manual-J performed by a certified professional engineer or RESNET rater runs $500-1000, but getting this right will save you more than the fee on upfront system costs and efficiency down the road. I can't count how many times I've seen systems proposed by HVAC contractors that are still more than 2x oversized for the actual loads. Modulation ranges aren't infinite- right sizing the boiler is still important even on high mass single zone systems.

            Some pictures of the boiler & plumbing might provide other insights.

  2. Jon R||#2


    I'd improve insulation and air sealing now and then collect some data.

    1. Expert Member
      达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#4


      使用高质量辐射器,它可能不会是短循环的 - 除非它实际上是短的骑自行车,否则可以通过观察锅炉的行为,记录燃烧时间的长度以及每天燃烧的数量来确定。如果燃烧总是10分钟或更长时间,则不会进一步归因于短骑自行车。如果他们〜5分钟,可能会受到1%的命中,但随着燃烧时间的进一步减少,它会迅速增长。

      改造热清除锅炉控制拉back some of the efficiency lost to oversizing by reducing the average standby & distribution temperatures. System #3 in Table 3 of the Brookhaven National Lab took only a ~1% hit at 3x oversizing, primarily due to the heat purging control:

      A heat purging boiler control also lengthens the burn times but reduces the total accumulated burn time per day/year, and reduces the number of burn cycles.

  3. slateandall||#3



    During those three hours of use I think something line 8 therms were consumed.

    1. Expert Member
      达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#5


      A call for heat from the Nest isn't exactly the same as the burner actually running. The Nest only calls for heat from the boiler- it doesn't control the burner directly. During a 2 hour call for heat the burner may have been cycling on/off as the boiler.

      温度恢复速率比燃烧器尺寸更大的辐射大小的函数。一百万-BTU/HR锅炉将热量放入辐射中,只能发射50,000 BTU/HR的速度不会比锅炉更快地加热该位置。



  4. 删除||#6




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