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Accentcraig|Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

2 coat eastern white cedar shakes
2×4 walls with 2″ closed cell spray polyurethane foam (ccSPF)

自2006年以来,我还没有回电,但建筑师认为我应该使用头部闪烁的窗户,尤其是在后方铰链露台门上的组合窗户上闪烁,每一侧都有窗户。所有的门和窗户都是法兰的新建筑乙烯基甲板安徒生系列400。每个门都被填充并直接应用于安德森(Andersen)的建议下的拉链面板的脸部。带有PVC后带的装饰是1×4硼砂。任何装饰都没有被塞入窗户或门,因此任何窗户顶部的PVC后带后面的水分都会通过重力排出或蒸发,所以为什么浪费时间在您制作自定义的Z金属以适应宽阔的后台时,’ve got a rainscreen system allowing for drainage, not to mention the drying of the backside of the cedar shakes? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated because he’s suggesting that we go back and retrofit the flashing over all the windows. Since we back caulked the cedar shakes around the windows I’m afraid it would just damage the Homeslicker not to mention a serious waste of time, labor and money. Please advise.

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  1. Accentcraig||#1


  2. 专家成员
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#2

    To me it's a two part question. If any of the following say you need flashing then you are hooped: Zip, the window manufacturer, your building code.

  3. 专家成员
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#3

    For many climates where the rain screen's main benefit is allowing the wall to dry to the exterior, rather than stopping bulk water intrusion, your detail is probably just fine. But it isn't as resilient an assembly as it would be with flashing.

  4. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#4

    There are several issues here, and Malcolm has touched on some of them. Of course the architectural drawings and specifications govern what needs to be done.

    Z-flashing is installed over the exterior head casing of windows for several reasons. One is to prevent water from dribbling down between the head casing and the sheathing, as you point out. Another is to keep water off the top of the casing so that the casing doesn't rot.

    您假设Boral不会腐烂或恶化,但是我们不知道这是真的。Boral由粉煤灰制成,这是煤炭燃烧的副产品。这是一种相对较新的产品,其往绩有限。我们真的不知道多年来暴露于天气时会如何保持。因此,我与建筑师一起投票 - 外部套管需要通过Z-Flashing保护。

  5. EthanT||#5

    Martin... in 2015 you wrote "[Boral] is a relatively new product with a limited track record. We don't really know how it's going to hold up when exposed to the weather for years."





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