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Secondary Damper for Kitchen Exhaust Vent

C L|Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

在PGH /绿色和合理紧密的房屋中,厨房的排气是否像浴缸排气一样的次要阻尼器,还是罩子带来的阻尼器足够?

If a secondary damper is needed for kitchen hoods, will the Panasonic EZ vent work? The Panasonic EZ vent has been reviewed on this site as an exterior termination with a reasonably good secondary damper for bath exhaust. However it is plastic and only comes in 4″.
1. Can the secondary damper and termination for a kitchen exhaust be plastic?
2. Can the Panasonic EZ vent be used to exhaust a 300 cfm 6″ kitchen exhaust (by adding a 6″ to 4″ reducer before the connection to the EZ vent)?
3. If the EZ vent wont work, is there a suggested secondary damper termination combo that could be installed within the soffit area?

The kitchen exhaust hood has a single (flimsy) rectangular damper at the top of the hood. The rectangular duct transitions up to 6″ round hard vertical duct. The 6″ round metal duct takes a 90 above the ceiling and runs about 7′ to the exterior soffit, where it connects to semi rigid flexible metal duct for about 2′, in which it turns down to exhaust out the soffit through a plastic grate with no damper. There is no option to re-route the duct to terminate the exhaust on a wall or the roof.

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  1. GBA编辑
    Kiley Jacques||#1

    I’m giving your question a bump. While you wait for experts to weigh in, take a look at这个问答线程—particularly the comments from Peter Shepherd.

  2. Expert Member


    Our team has been looking for a well sealed secondary damper for range hoods for years without any great luck. If anyone out here knows of one, please let me know. If anyone out here knows of a damper manufacturer, please let them know there is a market opportunity here...

    我们一直在使用Joshua Van Tol建议的Fantech模型,因为这些确实是我们能找到的最好的。我不会使用松下将6“管道降低到4”可能会导致很大的静态压力,并确实减轻了CFM退出引擎盖本身的数量。我将使用6英寸的刚性管道,并将其与6英寸Fantech阻尼器配对,尽管我知道由于现有条件,您可能没有很多选择。

    We have taken to sealing and insulating our hood ducts similar to how one would treat an HRV exhaust or supply duct. It will have unconditioned air in it which can create a cold vein and potential for condensation on cold seasons. We use mastic and an insulation sleeve with a vapor closed membrane on the outside of it. Some hoods and layouts work better than others for this.

    We have also used a dampered make up air that turns on automatically with a pressure activated switch. We use the Broan model: We try to locate it either under the range or in the toe kicks of the cabinets. If it's a slab on grade or this isn't possible we will put it on the ceiling as near to the hood as possible.

    当我们向房屋加压时,我们一直在这些系统上击中空气紧密。我们已经注意到,当鼓风机门减压时,随着阻尼器被吸入密封件,阻尼器的工作效果非常好。对于我们的pH项目,我们只是确保我们有足够的摆动空间来满足加压得分 - 无论如何,这平均具有抑制分数。

    It's not a perfect solution, but it seems like a design problem, not a technical problem. It is also probably good to remember that the benefits of exhausting the cooking and combustion fumes outweigh any penalties one would get from this (relatively minor) air leakage at this location.

    I'll keep my eyes peeled to see if anyone out there has any good leads for a solution here.

  3. Rednets1_MN||#4

    I had this same question/concern and looked to Europe for an answer. I found a product designed by Naber in Germany called Thermobox 150 (150 mm = 6in).


    我计划安装Thermobox 150年我所有的HVAC through-wall vents to the exterior: Kitchen exhaust, ERV exhaust, and reversed for the ERV fresh air supply.

    Hope this helps.


  4. C L||#5

    That Naber is an interesting product, but is through the wall vent only. I don't have that option - I need to vent through the soffit.

    Fantech Backdraft Hallper可能是必经之路,但看起来它需要垂直安装和垂直安装,这在现有拱腹的6英寸孔中工作并不现实。我认为我需要一个与众不同的阻尼器烤架可以通过附着在拱腹上来支撑它。

    这让我在4英寸Panasonic EZ通风口和Lowes发现的帝国之间选择了两种弊端的较小者。当厨房排气处启动时,它会降低到更好的通风,或者在厨房时停止空气泄漏的情况稍微更好通风关闭。

    EZ Vent Cons:
    - Reduces to 4" which per Josh's comment above, may create too much static pressure and impact the exhaust.
    - Fairly difficult, but not impossible to install in a retrofit application
    EZ Vent Pros:
    - 当不使用厨房通风口时,EZ通风孔阻尼器似乎相当可靠并且很紧张
    - The EZ vent looks better than the Lowe's Imperial, and can be turned to vent outward instead of straight down
    - 我有感应烹饪(无气),引擎盖的最大值为300 cfm,有些桌子表明您可以使用4英寸的管道来排气400 cfm的厨房引擎盖(尽管建议使用6英寸)。我的管道跑步很短,在空气撞到EZ通风口的4英寸阻尼部分之前,我只有90个 - 第二个90倒入拱腹的90处,在阻尼器之后,在EZ通风口的较大部分内。

    Lowe's Imperial 8.5" soffit vent Cons:
    - 评论表明春天可能不会持续很长时间
    - Damper may not be as tight as desired or even as tight as the EZ Vent
    Lowe's Imperial 8.5" soffit vent Pros:
    - 似乎对厨房排气的影响最小
    - Easy to install

    我可能只是安装Lowe的产品,看看它的作用。如果它太漏了,我总是可以用4英寸的Panasonic EZ通风孔替换它,或者有人会带来一个相当紧密的Soffit Grill/Tharper System,用于6英寸的管道...

  5. C L||#6

    Bought the Imperial product at Lowe's. It is better than I expected it to be, but could be better than it is...

    It includes a horizontal butterfly damper that relies upon a spring which may loose tension over time, and sag. The reviews also indicate the spring rusts out. I will probably try to replace it with a stainless steel spring, and have an extra one on hand in case the original sags.

    The 6" neck of the device where the butterfly flaps open is not as deep as the flaps, so the flaps do not fully open. They could have made the neck about 1/8- 1/4" longer which would have let the flaps open a full 90 degrees.



    塑料是轻巧且脆弱的 - 绝对比我在其他区域安装的Panasonic EZ通风口低的塑料。

    However, for $13 and immediate availability this device is a cut above the rest and gives a nice secondary damper for a 6" soffit vent.

  6. C L||#7

    Installed the Imperial product, but now I see that on the Lowe's website, Imperial finally gave an accurate response to the Net Free area of their 6" vent as 5.29 square inches.

    The smallest portion of the Panasonic EZ vent is through the +/- 3.5" flapper, which would have an area of about 9.621 square inches.

    So does the 4" Panasonic actually have more free area and thus greater airflow / less restriction than the 6" Imperial product?

  7. Expert Member

    Something seems fishy. If the net free area is 5.29 sqare inches, and one divides that by pi, then that would translate to a roughly 1 3/4" diameter hole. I wonder if the information they gave is off...

    1. C L||#9


      Their claimed net free area of 5.29 = Pi (1.3) squared. If the radius is 1.3, the diameter is 2.6. So they claim to have a free area equal to a 2.6" hole with absolutely no blockage.


      - First, before air gets through the damper, the damper hinge obstructs a good portion of the opening all the way across. Lets call it 1" wide x 6" = 6" si
      - Second, before the air gets to the grill, the damper flappers obstruct part of the grill opening. In the photo from their website they show the flappers only partially open and a gap, making you think it could open more. But the edge of the flapper furthest from the hinged ends hits the grill, stopping the flapper from fully opening. They could have made the neck 1/4" longer to solve for this, but they did not. So that obstructs some air. The second photo posted here is with the thing as far open as it will go.
      - 第三,烤架的脸至少为1/3塑料,这也阻碍了空气。

      松下不公布th的免费净面积eir 4" EZ Vent, but I think it may be more than this 6" vent....



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