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TJB57|发布General Questions

Hi, We live in NW Montana and our house has cathedral ceilings. In the winter, water will leak out of the siding on the side and the top of the front door only and form icicles. There is no rain or snow on the roof so I am assuming it is condensation? How can this be remedied?

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  1. Expert Member

    Is the water leaking out only in those areas where there are catherdral ceilings? I'm assuming these are VENTED cathedral ceilings (ridge and soffit vents)? I'm also assuming the water runs out ONLY on the EXTERIOR, you aren't having any issues with things like wet ceilings in the winter or other water issues inside the home?

    Chances are you have the usual ice damming going on here. What happens is that heat leaks through the roof, sometimes from air leaks, sometimes just from insufficient insulation, and melts the lowest layer of snow that is directly against the roof. This water runs down the roof, then re-freezes when it runs out onto the colder eaves. Depending on where exactly this happens, the water can run off the edge of the roof and form icicles, or it can get inside the roof and run out from soffit vents, or down inside of exterior walls or siding. Water running into the exterior walls can be a big problem.


    To stop the snow melt in the first place, you usually need some combination or more insulation, better air sealing, and sometimes better ventilation of the roof/attic.


    My guess since you mention it's only above that door is that there may be an issue with ventilation in that part of the roof assembly. Vented roofs have much less issue with condensation than non-vented roofs since the ventilation carries most of the mositure away before it can condense and cause problems.



  2. TJB57||#2


  3. Expert Member

    Was the fiberglass your husband removed wet, and did he see any signs of water or mold in the area he removed it from? Does the water run out when it rains, or does the rain not make any difference?


    You may have some other plugged vents, but what you'll likely need to do is try to seal up those can lights so that they don't leak air. The easiest way to do this is with some of the better sealed LED retrofits with either a perimeter gasket or some rope caulk to seal the LED retrofit to the DRYWALL (not the recessed light housing). Many of the LED retrofits out there give nice light, are dimmable, and last a lot longer than a typical light bulk so they have other benefits besides improved air sealing.

    Check that the ridge vent above that area is not clogged. I can't quite see what kind you have from your pics, but some tend to get squished after a while (you don't want the kind that look like foam that gets shingled over, for example).

    Your overall solution is likely to be better air sealing and making sure none of the ventilation openings or channels are blocked. Roof ventilation helps to carry away any moist air that leaks up into the roof assembly before it can cause problems.



  4. TJB57||#4

    Bill, it is definitely condensation as it's only cold weather and regardless of rain or snow. The can lights make the most sense to me. There are four in that room and that's right next to where it's weeping.
    Thank you so much for your insight!

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